
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Uh, what's that on your neck?

Okay, so let me just start by saying that Rich (my adoring hubby) can get a little aggressive sometimes. But I think that's one of the things I love about him. During our "happy fun time" he gave me a whittle present, LOL!

And yep, I had to work the next two days. So color me a newer, brighter shade of RED!!! Oh well, it was fun getting it. But I have to say it's more than awkward walking around with one when you're 35 as oppossed to when you are a teenager. Let me just say!!

Okay, where's my turtlenecks??!!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Anthony's birthday

My oldest son is 14 today! I can't believe he is getting to be so "grown up" and tall. He is taller than me and gaining on his dad. It's weird yelling at him when he's taller than me. I usually just end up laughing at him instead. But I love him, so I think I'll keep him.

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my boy!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

This can't be good

I should preface this, but that might just prove to be too embarrassing, especially after you hear this one.

I come home from work tonight. My mother's husband is up and wandering around, getting a drink and watching tv. When I first walk in the door, I notice on the steps in plain view something white. Upon further notice, it's underwear. MY UNDERWEAR (must have fallen out of the basket, when Sarah was taking the clean clothes upstairs). Now this might be different it if were someone else's, but nope it's mine. So I try to be discreet and scoop them up with my purse and coat and proceed to walk up the steps. Then I just plop all the items on the couch on top of a laundry basket of clothes.

Then after he and the kids go to sleep, I walk into the kitchen to try and clean up the mess. As I'm sweeping the floor, I see a tampon wrapper. I think Oh God, when Anthony emptied the bathroom trash, the wrapper must have blown off while he was walking to the kitchen. No big deal, but I'm feeling the heat. Red faced, I go about finishing the floor when what do my wondering eyes do I see, but a tampon applicator right on the floor. When Anthony emptied the trash some of it must have fallen on the floor. This all makes a pretty picture, doesn't it? Man, I hope nobody else was as observant as me.

Totally reminds of me of the time, when Amanda and Anthony were little. We had some guy come by and measure windows. We were getting replacement windows. Well, I didn't think anything of it, when I told the man what windows needed measured and pointed in the direction of the rooms. When he came out of the kids room, his face was alittle red and I thought he must be hot or something. After the man leaves, I walk down the hallway to the bathroom and just happen to look into the kids room. Oh, you can guess what I saw lying on the floor. It was a whole bag of maxi pads opened, with the tabs off the backs and sticking to the floor, the walls, the beds, dressers, etc. Then the tampons were hanging by the strings on the dresser knobs. What a sight! Funny thing, the kids were so proud of themselves and really got upset when I took it all down and yelled at them, LOL!

Talk about mortifying!!!

Plastic wrap

I hate plastic wrap!! Well, sometimes I like it. When I get a new roll and it's still kept nice in the box. Where you can pull it out and just rip across the metal teeth.

I hate it with a passion, when after a while it starts to get all tangled up and then you can't get it off the roll right. And then you start ripping at it, pulling and twisting trying to get it to all come off together nice and neat like it did when you first bought it.

Then I hate it and want to just pitch it. But I don't. I keep it and drive myself mad trying to fix it. And it makes me really hate the stupid stuff!