
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Matchstick Cross

Remember these?
I remember making one at Vacation Bible School when I was a kid.
Nathan has been buggin' for crafts a lot lately, so I thought this would make a nice Easter craft.
I didn't burn the ends of the matches....thinking it looks just as pretty this way.
I couldn't remember how to make it, so I found this tute on dltk.
I wanted to be able to frame Nathan's cross when he was done with it, so we chose this pretty print from my scrapbook paper and glued the cross to it.
Once you get it started it's pretty simple to make...just messy from the glue.
It took all I had not to straighten it, lol.....but then I realized one day, I will look back and think to myself how wonderful it is and he was only 7 when he did it. to find the perfect frame for it.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Nutrisystem #48

Not only does today wrap up my 48th week on Nutrisystem, but my last sponsored post for Nutrisystem.  I'm sad to see it come to an end.  But I'm also excited to start this journey on my own.
I will say that I will be eternally grateful to Nutrisystem for giving me the chance to participate in their blogger program...when I say it literally saved my life...I mean it.
Nutrisysytem gave me the tools and the motivation to jump start my weight loss/healthy life journey.  With their support, I have lost a total of 34 pounds.  Sure, I would have liked to have lost more, but I'm pretty darn proud of myself that I got as far as I did.  I have gone from a size 18/20 to a size 6/8 in pants and from a size 2X to a small/medium in shirts.  The jacket that I'm wearing below is one that I couldn't even button when I got it, now I can wrap it around myself.
I used to have to use elevators all the time, now I can run up stairs and not feel winded or have to use my asthma inhaler.  There's a super cute video I did for Nutrisystem on their YouTube channel of me racing Nathan up these very stairs.
I used to eat bags of chips and candy bars for breakfast, Now I realize just how horrible that is...and the damage that I was causing my body.  I crave carrots and salad and fruit now.  I haven't eaten a French fry in almost a year and I don't even miss it.
I think the best part of this whole thing is that now I can play with my children.  I used to think that playing and spending time with them meant making treats with them and sitting on the floor and rolling match box cars across it.  Now I can play kickball and foursquare and run and jump around and do all sorts of fun things.  We have dance parties and wii "just dance" competitions, we walk and run together, we actually do more active things.  I no longer sit on the bench at playgrounds watching them play...I either walk the track or play right along with them.  And sometimes they tire out before I do.
If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know that my family is my everything.  Knowing that I am healthy and have more energy makes me so happy.  I said this from the very beginning, I wasn't doing this to get skinny or be sexy, or anything like that...I was doing this for my health.  I want to stick around and watch my children grow old, I want to see them have children of their own and still be able to play and have fun with my future grandchildren, without having to drag around an oxygen tank.  I want to fall asleep at night knowing that I don't need a machine to help me breath.  I want to spend the rest of my life happy and healthy, full of life and energy. 
And Now I Can.
 Nutrisystem has this really awesome contest going on right now called "Now I Can", if you have lost weight on Nutrisystem you can enter to win.
Please note, that I am not done losing weight or living this healthy lifestyle...I feel like I just started.  I am going to continue on my own and using Nutrisystem through what most of their members call a "flex plan".  I will still be eating some of the foods and following along for the most part, but incorporating my own food choices as well.  While I am still using the program, I am no longer being sponsored by Nutrisystem as of today.
Also, I have a really cool, totally awesome {yes, this deserves my best valley girl impression} giveaway coming up....starting next week.  So please keep reading and following along on my adventure.  One door is closing but a whole new life is waiting for me out there and I'm sharing it all with you!
If you would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting


My Stats
04/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)
11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)
12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)
12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)
12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)
12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)
01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)
01/11/13 - 147 (week thirty seven)
01/18/13 - 145 (week thirty eight)
01/25/13 - 145 (week thirty nine)
02/01/13 - 144 (week forty)
02/08/13 - 144 (week forty one)
02/15/13 - 144 (week forty two)
02/22/13 - 144 (week forty three)
03/01/13 - 146 (week forty four)
03/08/13 - 146 (week forty five)
03/15/13 - 147 (week forty six)
03/22/13 - 147 (week forty seven)
03/29/13 - 146 (week forty eight)
*Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Egg Time....

I never get tired of looking at all the pretty eggs....

Waiting is Booorrrringgg!
"hi there, mr. smiley face"
of course, they ditched when it was time to clean up...
so pretty!
Nathan giggled for 20 was worth it :)
Me with Amanda
(it's pretty sad when your 20 year old daughter is your math tutor, huh? LOL)
look how big this baby girl is getting...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Dreaded 'G' Word

Let's face it...we've all been through it.
Mom Guilt
People ask me all the time 'how do you handle six kids and give them all attention?"
The truth is I honestly don't...I can't...and I feel kind of bad about it too.
It's not that my children lack love, attention, sympathy or the like.  I'm pretty good about all that...but I can't do everything and the last time I checked noone duplicated me into a clone.
But, I still feel bad about it.
I can't remember every little thing that each one has going on, unless of course I write it down and even then, some things still get forgotten.  Yeah, I remember all the super important stuff...but there are plenty of doctor appointments, dentist appointments, sporting activities, book fairs, birthday party invites, snacks, story times and more that slip my mind.
I'm only human after all....I do make mistakes....and I feel terribly guilty afterwards...I mean like for days afterwards.

Then, there are those times when the kids decide to throw some guilt my way, just because.

you never did crafts with me.
you never take me anywhere with you
you never read stories to me
you don't go to my concerts or games
you don't help me with my school projects.
you never brought my {insert whatever forgotten item was left behind} to school for me

It's constant and it comes from all of them.

Mostly it is stupid things that really don't matter or things that they just don't remember me doing with them.  Sometimes, things went undone,, Mommy did work - even if it was part time, Mommy worked and couldn't be there for every single thing.  Maybe Mommy didn't make as many crafts with you, because you decided to make your own smearing poopy diaper messes on your bedroom walls and Mommy was a bit busy scrubbing that off.  Maybe Mommy didn't read you stories because you were too busy fighting over who sat where on Mommy's lap.  Maybe Mommy didn't help you with your school projects because you didn't tell Mommy about them until the day they were due.  Maybe Mommy gets tired of running to the school 3-4 days a that the office staff says 'who forgot what this time?'
I guess I could let all that guilt eat me alive....but at the end of the day, my kids know that I love them, would do just about anything for them and that's really all that matters.

that, and one day....they are going to be dealing with their own parental guilt.

hmmm.....turn about is fair play, after all.....good luck with that!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Nutrisystem #47

Today wraps up my 47th week on Nutrisystem.
This was also my last week on the prednisone meds...yay!
I didn't lose anything this week, but I did manage to stay the same, which I guess is pretty good considering the steroids.  I'm so hoping that now that I am done with them that I can start losing again {fingers and toes crossed}
Here is a recent side shot, so you can see the tummy area
(for the first time in years, my boobs are bigger than my stomach hahha)
I still have much to lose here.  I am being realistic in my thinking that I have had six children, so I realize that that flat tummy I had wayyyyyy back when is never, ever going to come back, but I would like to see the muffin top get a little smaller, if you know what I mean.
here's a look at some of my favorite Nutrisystem breakfast foods...from bars to cereal, from pancakes to burritos...there's something for everyone.
NutriFlakes Cereal

Cinnamon Streusel Muffin

Breakfast Burrito

Buttermilk Waffles

Granola Cereal

Peanut Butter Granola Bar
Looks yummy doesn't it?
'til next time....
If you would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
My Stats

4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)

05/04/12 - 175 (week one)

05/11/12 - 174 (week two)

05/18/12 - 172 (week three)

05/25/12 - 170 (week four)

06/01/12 - 169 (week five)

06/08/12 - 169 (week six)

06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)

06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)

06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)

07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)

07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)

07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)

07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)

08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)

08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)

08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)

08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)

08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)

09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)

09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)

09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)

09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)

10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)

10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)

10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)

10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)

11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)

11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)

11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)

11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)

11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)

12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)

12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)

12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)

12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)

01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)

01/11/13 - 147 (week thirty seven)

01/18/13 - 145 (week thirty eight)

01/25/13 - 145 (week thirty nine)

02/01/13 - 144 (week forty)

02/08/13 - 144 (week forty one)

02/15/13 - 144 (week forty two)
02/22/13 - 144 (week forty three)
03/01/13 - 146 (week forty four)
03/08/13 - 146 (week forty five)
03/15/13 - 147 (week forty six)
03/22/13 - 147 (week forty seven)
*Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem

Marbled Easter Eggs

Nathan has been wanting to make some Easter crafts we made these Easter eggs today.
this is like the marbled leaves craft we made a year or so ago.
You will need paper shaped eggs (we used paper plates, but you can use card stock or any other type of heavy paper, thin paper will rip) shaving cream, paint and a squeegee.  It's also a very good idea to layer some newspaper or use an old plastic tablecloth to cover your table...this craft is SUPER messy.
Squirt the shaving cream into a container large enough for the egg to fit into.  Then, put some brightly colored paint on top of the shaving cream
Using the end of a wooden spoon, swirl the paint around in the shaving cream mixture.

Place the eggs into the mixture and press down a bit and then set aside for a minute or so.

Using the squeegee, scrape off the excess shaving cream on the eggs. 
The end result is a beautiful swirly marbled egg.
Nathan and I made this cute display to show off his eggs.
**For whatever reason Blogger let me adjust the first few pics to a larger size, but wouldn't let me adjust the last pics...I hope you can see them well enough (because I give up trying to fix them).  Maybe in the future I can play with it and try to adjust them again.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weight Loss Journey Page

I just updated my weight loss journey page found on the sidebar.
with all of the posts of my story so far....
I will also be adding some "before" and "during" pics there as well.
Figured it might make it easier for those that are following along.
I also wanted to say Thank You to everyone that has supported me, emailed me, messaged me, cheered for me, etc.  You have all been an amazing part of this journey by keeping me going strong.
I appreciate each and every one of you!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Apron Love

Do you love aprons?
I do
I have no idea why wearing an apron is so inspiring to me.
It's like when I am baking or cooking and I throw on my favorite apron, I feel like I am wearing a cape and using my 'super' powers or something.
There's just something special about wearing one that makes you feel domestic and all I'm the best mommy ever feeling that overcomes you when you tie one on.

I have found that I enjoy sewing them almost as much as I do wearing them.

all the fun colors and designs
Sewing is just another form of creativity for me and I totally love it.



My favorite thing though, I think, is making aprons for kids....and it seems to be my best seller.
I have made so many for friends and family and sold just as many in my shop as I have in person.

These aprons were custom made, but I have many in my shop to choose from.

"I got one of Charlene's aprons for myself a couple of years ago, and it is so pretty...and so much fun to wear. It's functional and easy to wash...and the ruffles and beautiful fabrics are the icing on the cake.
I could hardly wait for my little girls to be old enough to have their own aprons from Charlene. I worked with her to choose coordinating fabric, and she came up with the idea of trimming the aprons the same makes for such an adorable pair!"   Mandy (of Twin Trials and Triumphs)

I have to say this as aprons are mostly original pieces....meaning I usually buy enough fabric to make one or two (possibly three) aprons and that's it.   So my customers know that they are pretty much the only (well, there may be one other person) one with that apron.

The only exception is specific fabrics for sports teams or if someone actually orders duplicates of something.  I have done a lot of custom aprons...meaning a customer requests a certain fabric or 'my daughter loves the color purple'....or 'she adores rainbows'...etc.

I, then, look at different websites for fabrics and email them some choices that I think they would like and we go from there.  Sometimes a customer leaves it up to my discretion and only gives me a color or pattern...say 'anything with cupcakes will do' or 'anything yellow', which is always fun too.

I'm planning on adding other fun things to my shop at some tote bags, trick or treat bags for Halloween, buntings and more.  But I think my favorite will always be the aprons....

If you are interested, please take a look at my etsy shop.
The link is also located on the sidebar.