
Sunday, November 06, 2016

Sarah and Zach's Graduation

Again, I'm late with the news, events and has me crazy busy.

It's been hard to keep up, but I'm trying.

Here are some pics of Sarah and Zach's high school graduation
(better late than never...)

here they come....
(they were a bit sad that they couldn't walk in together).

diploma time

who are these kids...and where did my itty bitty babies go?

I admit...I cried.

Just so proud of these two and the journey of our life together.

Proud Dad Moment....

Granny came all the way from Georgia to see this momentous event.
my mother in law is marvelous!

This is one of my best friends, Terri.

We became friends shortly after I had the twins.  They are like her babies too,
so we just had to include her on this special day.

They love their "aunt" Terri!

My sister in law and mother in law with our family.

That's a whole lot of Juliani's right there!!

I may be biased, but my kids are totally gorgeous - and they clean up rather well - haha!

we're outta here!!!

Just a little side note -

Sarah is a college freshmen - she chose to study general course as she is  undecided,
and she doesn't quite know what she wants to do as of yet.

She also passed her EMT certification.

Zach chose to take a year off from college and focus on working.  He's saving up to buy his own car and putting money aside for school.


I'm so thankful to my sweet sister in law, who took all the pictures.
I was so overcome by emotions that almost every picture I took came out blurry. 
Several times, I thought I was taking a picture and actually forgot to click the button. 
It just goes to show that sometimes, you just need to witness special moments with your own two eyes and not through a camera lens. 
I know how weird that must sound coming from someone
who pretty much documents just about every moment of their life. 
But it's true.