
Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm A Guest Blogger on Multiples.... and More Today

Many months ago, I found a site called Multiples...and More (a blog site dedicated to parents of twins, triplets and more).  Even though most (if not all) of the blogs on their reading list was parents of younger multiples, I requested to join as well.  When they accepted me and added me to their blog list, they asked if I would be willing to write some guest posts about being a mother of older twins on the premise of helping  mothers of younger multiples. 

I, in no way consider myself an expert, told them I would love to write some articles for them.  It took me months to decide what to write about and even more months to get the thoughts out of my head (nasty case of writer's block {{{shudder}}}).  But I managed to submit a post about twin bonding and school...and whether twins should be separated or not. 

Well, guess what??

Multiples... and More featured my post today!!! How super cool is that?! Me on another major blogging site! Not that I'm being braggy or anything (please don't think that way)...I'm just so excited to see this blog grow so much....It's exciting! Even though I still don't get tons of comments, I do have tons of readers (looky loos are just as important, you know!).

By the way, they have my blog listed as Half A Dozen Kids (one of my emails), instead of Adventures In Mommy Land....which isn't a big deal, since the link still comes here....But the words are all mine....the kids are, as they say, all mine too.    Go and check out my post....And say Hello this time!

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