
Friday, January 07, 2011

Felt Snowmen

I bought these kits at Target, they are supposed to be ornaments, but since Christmas is over, I thought we could glue them to construction paper instead. 

You can do the same thing without the kit, just by using felt and cutting out the pieces.

We glued white tissue paper to the bottom to represent snow.

Then, we "built" our snowmen

Nicholas only wanted to make one

Since the kit came with 2 each...Nathan made an extra one.

Art doesn't have to be expensive or some over the top elaborate project....just some simple paper, scissors, crayons and a good old fashion imagination and you can turn anything into a piece of art.

I paid 40 cents total for this project.  The kits were 90% off on clearance, the tissue paper was recycled from Christmas wrapping and the paper and glue we already had on hand.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What a FUN project which was pretty much nothing to do. Happy New Year!

  2. Oh going to Target today. Keeping my fingers crossed that they still have anything

  3. Very Nice!

    Following from the weekend blog hop on

    Please come see me at


  4. Happy New Year Charlene! Glad you like my projects, my mind is always swirling. Your snowmen are cute.

  5. What a cute idea! I like that it's so simple and inexpensive. I've included your post on my weekly favorites here:
