
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Moms That Blog (The Interviews)

Introducing.....Tyson - she's a busy stay at home mom of three cute little boys who knows how to throw an awesome party, an interior designer by trade and a mom who loves to dabble in do it yourself projects (when she finds the time).  And that's what makes her a great Mom That Blogs.

Tell us a bit about yourself....I'm a stay at home mom... but I like to call myself the ringmaster of our family circus! My husband and I are in our 30's and our children are Jake - 5 years old (we call him the mastermind), Evan - 3 years old (he's the bull yet a charmer), and Luke is 7 months old (he's the spitfire!). We're born and raised midwesterners, but have been living in Texas for 3 years now and we love it! Sometime this year we'll be moving to our nation's capitol. So I'm sure I'll be rapid fire blogging about the changes to our lives and making our house a home (as we've done with our current one).... once I find my laptop and some time after that move.

Name 3 Fun Facts about yourself.....1. Once while spring breaking on South Padre Island, I turned down a dance with ole Justin Timberlake himself. I KNOW, right? In my defense it was right when their "Bye-bye-bye" song came out... and boy bands were not "in" yet. He came up and asked me, and I said no and walked away! My one claim to fame! Makes for a good story though. 

2. My mom was going to name me Tyson whether I was a boy OR a girl. Lucky me. I've had sooo much trouble with my name. I even had a warrant out for my arrest in college because some idiot at the university "corrected" my gender to male and so therefore I was an 18 male that had not signed up for the draft! I have a million little stories like this.

3. I have a bachelors degree in Interior and Architectural Design with a minor in Facilities Management and Architectural Drafting. However, I'm more of a "meat & potatoes" designer... space planning, kitchen & bath design, flooring selection, and paint & trimwork. I actually really have zero clue about curtains, hanging stuff on the wall, how to decorate a sofa table or bookcase... but that's what people usually ended up asking me about. I think people are shocked to come into my home to learn I was an Interior Designer in a past life. I mean my home is nice... but I think they're expecting WOW.

When did you first start blogging.....I started blogging long ago... 2008. It was when regular people were just starting to blog for journal or to keep up with family. I actually made my blog for family originally... yet hardly any of them read it! They'd get all confused about it (not sure why)... but now my following is IRL friends and my online friends :) I'd love to get to meet some more people through my blog.

What is your blog about.....The H Family Happenings pretty much covers a little bit of everything. Therefore not exactly excelling or standing out for one thing... but that's just kind of me! It can be anything from what we've done lately, anything I've created or designed, to my thoughts and worries... along with good news and fun things to share.

Why do you blog......That's a good question. I can't say for sure WHY I blog, but I know I like it. I like a place to call my own... talk about the kids, my thoughts, my creations, share news, etc. Lately I haven't been very good about it. Still feel like I'm playing catch up from the holidays!

Must read blogs that you visit daily......I can't say there's a specific one I visit everyday. I browse my reading list until something catches my eye. I used to be all over reading the "big blogs"... but frankly I got tired of them acting like they're the end all be all of blogging. I like neat family stories, frugal tips, craft & home decor ideas!

What inspires you.....REAL people doing REAL things. People with faults achieving great things. I'm tired of people portraying that they're always butterflies & roses, never have a down day (year!), and have super powers (not that super powers wouldn't be SO cool).

Do you have a bucket list.....I have a HUGE bucket list. A few of the things include... hike in Alaska, swim in Hawaii, and check out all the places that are the backdrop for the Outlander Series (by Diana Gabaldon) in England & Scotland.

Do you have any blogging advice that you would like to share.......I like when word verification is turned off and I think it's great to always acknowledge those that share along with you!

You can read more about Tys and her beautiful family by visiting her fun family blog H Family Happenings


  1. I really appreciate you interviewing me and the time it took to put it together! Thank you!

  2. Love our lovely Tyson!!!

  3. Have to check out her blog! So crazy about the draft!
