
Thursday, August 30, 2012

first day

The kids are back in school....
Every darn year this group gets smaller :(
Zachary, 9th grade
Sarah, 9th grade
Nicholas, 5th grade

Nathan, 2nd grade
We had our traditional pancake breakfast.  Funny thing was the kids complained that I only made "plain ol pancakes" --- they were like hey, where's the blueberries or the banana ones or the chocolate chips....spoiled little buggers! Haha!
We made these little treats for the little guys teachers.
smores treats and chocolate covered pretzels (using a flower mold that I found at Joanns)
Hey, what teacher doesn't want or perhaps need some chocolate after the first day ;)
Nick with his teacher

Nathan with his teacher

They all seemed to have a great day....the last two days, Nathan passed out on the floor in his room before 6 p.m.
That makes it a great day for Mommy too.

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