
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Music Choices

I know not everyone likes to listen to music. And the music I like to listen to, might not be something someone else wants to hear. So I thought I'd give some insight on why I chose some of these songs.

Most of the songs have a theme, if you haven't noticed. They're about having children and life, about how you only have so much time with your children before they grow up and move on. That thought right there, scares the crap out of me. I know I get frustrated by my children most of the time, but I love them to death and I know when they grow up and leave I'm going to miss them.

So songs like Cats in the Cradle, You're Gonna Miss This, Then They Do and My Wish make me realize that I should spend as much time with my children as possible. Because I would hate to look back and think that I or they didn't get the most out of their childhood. Ready, Set, Go makes me feel so sad, I know that one day I'm going to be thinking those same thoughts.

There are some songs that are for me and Rich. When a Man Loves a Woman is our song. That song and Everything I Do were played at our wedding. I Need You, Little Moments, Your Everything are songs that make me realize how much I love my husband. And how much I need him in my life. My life would be empty if he wasn't in it.

Some songs, I just really love; Somewhere Over The Rainbow (this version) is one of my favorites. I remember when I first heard it on ER (the tv show) when Dr. Mark Green died. And from that moment on, I have loved that song. I also love Randy Travis! And I love the song Forever and Ever Amen, it just makes me feel good to hear it.

Daughters, Blessed, In My Daughter's Eyes help me to realize that I have six children looking up to me. I might not be a hero in their minds, but I want them to remember me as the one person they could go to anything for, that I will always be here for them.

The song Waiting On A Woman brings back memories of Rich waiting for me. And well he still waits for me. He will get dressed and be ready and just wait for me. He never used to be late before he met me. Now he realizes that he will never be on time for anything when I tag along. And he just (for the most part) patiently waits for me.

I won't explain the meanings of all these songs, but I think it gives you a little glimpse of where my mind has been lately - family. My heart will always be with my family and these songs make me think of all the members in my little tribe.

1 comment:

  1. I wish my sound was working!!! I love so many of your choices. :)
