
Thursday, August 07, 2008


Let me whine for a few minutes, please. Yesterday, I bought three half gallons of ice cream and sadly sometimes if I do ice cream for dessert three containers isn't enough. Anyway, this afternoon as I was getting ready for work, Sarah asked me if she could have ice cream. I told her that everyone can have the chocolate. She then asked if she could have some of the fudge ripple too. I said please just eat the chocolate, because I want some of the other one. She agreed to eat the chocolate.

On my way home from work, all I could think about was getting home, kicking my feet up and eating some ice cream. I know that's so sad, huh?

Walk in the door, take off my shoes and head for the freezer. I knew as soon as I picked up the box that someone had eaten it. And sure enough I was right. There wasn't that much left. Come to find out that indeed they ate all the chocolate ice cream and started in on the fudge ripple. Oh Mannnn!

Why couldn't they just for once, listened? And not have eaten the damn ice cream! Big Sigh...


  1. Oh, know, I grew up in a household like that. It's truly survival of the fittest...or whoever's there. Sorry you missed out. :( Next time...take the icecream to work with you! LOL!

  2. Car- I (a lonely only) always thought it was weird to hide food... like ice cream. Now, having 3 kids, I do it too. Our biggie recently has been fruit and nut bars.... I'm not a big ice cream eater. I usually have 1 FnN bar every morning. I got 1 out of the last box and then the store stopped carrying them....huh? My fav!

    Go buy your ice cream and hide it near the bottom.... and don't tell ANYONE you bought it!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This happens to me all the time! Drives me crazy too.
    About the travel soccer...yes, it's that bad...but if you make sure the coach is really good and invested in the team, most of all KIND, and most of the parents are more laid back, you will be OK. Good luck!

  4. Thanks Sarah! I think we might just try it next year.
