I asked some of my friends to ask their children what they really think of their mothers....here are their super sweet and totally hilarious answers.
What is your mommy's favorite color? Purple .....Tabitha age 3
Nobody is better than my mom at....Being beautiful? I don't know what to say....Ryan, 6
I love my mom because....She's always been there for me....Cameron, 15
What is your mom's favorite tv show.....Inspector Gadget....Julia age 7
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be? pony.....Ava age 8
My favorite thing to do with my mom is.... buy shirts....Tabitha age 3
What makes your mom laugh.....a dirty joke....Cameron, 15
What does your mom do while you are at school.....She makes breakfast for my sister.....Ryan, 6
Nobody is better than my mom at....cooking and baking.....Julia,7
(Tara with her children....Rylie, and twins: Preslie and Chase)
I love my mommy because....she’s the best!......Ava, age 8
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be? unicorn....Emily, 5
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....The "Gluey 2" game....Kellan, 9
My mommy is as pretty as.... purple, Tabitha, 3
What is your mommy's favorite color.....Green.....Julia, 7
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be.....A cougar (with evil laugh)....Cameron, 15
What food does your mom make the best.....Frito Pies....Ryan, 6
I love my mommy because....I love you because you are always nice to me.....Kellan, 9
What is your mom's favorite tv show? The Vampire Diaries....Ava, 8
(Allie with her daughters Emily and Ava)
Nobody is better than my mom at.... nothing....Tabitha, age 3
What does your mom do while you are at school? cook.....Emily, 5
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....talk, Cameron, 15
What is your mommy's favorite color....Pink.....Miley, age 3
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be...A cat because you're mean a lot!....Ryan, 6
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....Play with her, read with her and cook and bake with her....Julia age 7
My mommy is as pretty as....a hippo, Preslie, age 8
What does your mom do while you are at school.....computer and sleep....Brandon, 10
Nobody is better than my mom at....cooking....Ava, 8
My mommy is as pretty as....a princess....Emily, age 5
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be? Well lemurs, not yet. Crazy too late....Kellan, 9
What does your mom do while you are at school.....Pick up stuff in the house.....Miley, 3
What makes your mom laugh....dogs playing with balloons....Chase, age 8
I love my mommy because....she's the best in the whole wide world....Rylie, age 11
What food does your mom make the best....homemade macaroni and cheese....Preslie, 8
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be....Turtle....Brandon, 10
(Isaac, Felicity, Connor, Lillian, John and Elizabeth)
What is your mom's favorite tv show? Cooking shows.....Emily, age 5
What is your mom's favorite tv show? Those criminal TV shows, you know, your murder shows...Kellan, 9
What is your mommy's favorite color....Purple....Zachary, age 7
Nobody is better than my mom at....the computer...Kyleigh Age 6
I love my mommy because.... you take care of me and love me....Daphne, 7
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....Get kisses!!....Miley, 3
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be...a pretty butterfly....Rylie, 11
What is your mom's favorite tv show....Bones, Preslie, age 8
What food does your mom make the best....Biscuits and gravy....Zachary, age 7
My mommy is as pretty as....a flower meadow....Rylie, 11
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be...A Pink Bunny....Miley, 3
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....go to the zoo....Preslie, 8
What is your mommy's favorite color....green and purple.....Chase, age 8
(Elnora, Daphne, Tabitha, Jonathan and Charlie)
What food does your mom make the best? Asian Chicken....Jonathan, age 10
What makes your mom laugh.....funny stuff on facebook.....Brandon, 10
Nobody is better than my mom at....Just dance on xbox....Zachary, age 7
What does your mom do while you are at school...Stays at home and watches my little sister....Raul, 13
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be....a monkey....Kyleigh, age 6
(Maureen with her youngest two...Elnora and Charlie)
What makes your mom laugh...lots of things....Daphne, age 7
What is your mom's favorite tv show....Dallas, Rylie, 11
I love my mommy because....she's pretty....Chase, age 8
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be....leopard....Jonathan, age 10
What does your mom do while you are at school....Sleep and do her work on the computer...Zachary, age 10
What is your mommy's favorite color....Whats your favorite color? Ummm..Pink? Red? RED!!!!.....Raul, age 13
What does your mom do while you are at school.....sleep.....Kyleigh, age 6
(Shelley with her daughter Julia)
What is your mommy's favorite color.....purple....Daphne, 7
My mommy is as pretty as.....a snapdragon....Connor, 8
What is your mom's favorite tv show......George! (Curious George, which would be Lilly's favorite show)....Lillian, 3
What food does your mom make the best....Green Chile Chicken enchiladas.....Raul, 13
I love my mommy because.... she's nice....Jonathan, age 10
My favorite thing to do with my mom is...... go grocery shopping....Isaac, 12
What does your mom do while you are at school...Helps me (we homeschool)...Elizabeth, 6
If your mommy were an animal what kind would she be...Dog....Daphne, 7
Nobody is better than my mom at.....um...singing....John, 5
What food does your mom make the best....Cake and Shepherd's Pie....Connor, 8
What makes your mom laugh....funny jokes.....Elizabeth, 6
My mommy is as pretty as.... a cookie....Jonathan, age 10
What is your mommy's favorite color....Green....Isaac, 12
I love my mommy because....she...um...uh...hugs me....John, age 5

(Brandon, Cameron and Zachary)
My favorite thing to do with my mom is....decorate the tree at Christmas...Chase, 8
Nobody is better than my mom at..... smoking.....Brandon, age 10
I love my mommy because....I wouldn't have nothing without her in my life.....Raul, 13
My mommy is as pretty as....as me....Kyleigh age 6
If my mommy were an animal, she would be a.....Jaguar, Lillian, age 3
Happy Mother's Day
from our families to yours!!