Saturday, May 30, 2015

teacher appreciation gift

this can be used as a teacher appreciation week gift
or a thank you gift for the end of the year...
whatever you are looking for.

such a simple idea, but i think it makes a huge impact.

nathan took a terra cotta planter,
some fabric scraps (from my stash),
mod podge,
paint brush

he cut the fabric scraps into smaller strips
and then mod podged them to the planter.

easy, peasy.....but a wee bit (ok, a huge bit) messy.

next he transplanted a pretty purple petunia into the pot.

it came out adorable.

he also made a card for his teacher.

he bought a pack of "extra" gum.

and wrote on the inside of the card

"thanks for making this year 'extra' special"
and taped the pack of gum to his card.

he also took a cupcake and placed it into a small jar that he bought at the dollar store.

the whole gift came out so cute and sweet.

he was pretty darn proud of himself....
as well he should be.

i think he teacher appreciated the sweet gesture.

(i know i would have).

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