Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nutrisystem #39

This week I wrapped up my 39th week on Nutrisystem.
Sometimes, it's unnerving what a slow process weight loss can be.  Everyone loses weight differently though, what comes easily to some is difficult to others.  Just need to keep chugging along those rails and thinking to yourself I think I can.
Speaking of which....since losing weight on Nutrisystem
now i can...
do so many things that i never dreamt was possible
I can wear leggings and boots that zip up past my calves
I can climb stairs and not get winded
I can ride bikes with my kids
I can run and play with my kids
I can walk without my thighs rubbing together

and those are just a few of the many things... 
I feel like anything is possible now.
and it totally feels fabulous!
(notice the thighs don't even touch - ha)
(leggings and boots :))
and just to keep it real for those that are thinking that I look good enough and lost enough weight...I am actually still considered overweight for my height - I'm 5'2" and at 145 that's considered overweight....maybe not by much, but enough to make a difference as far as health issues are concerned.
People have said that I have tiny waist, but they aren't seeing the side view....
I still have alot of belly fat to lose, but I'm getting there.
Would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
My Stats
4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)
11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)
12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)
12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)
12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)
12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)
01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)
01/11/13 - 147 (week thirty seven)
01/18/13 - 145 (week thirty eight)
01/25/13 - 145 (week thirty nine)
*Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem

Thursday, January 24, 2013

happy national peanut butter day...

i am obsessed with peanut butter.
i love is probably my favorite thing (next to pizza).
i'm one of those that will eat it by the spoonful, right out of the jar.
my whole family is the same way.
peanut butter
peanut butter
peanut butter
so when i heard it was national peanut butter day....
woah baby
any excuse is a good excuse, right?
here are a few of my favorite peanut butter recipes.
(photo property of betty crocker)
my new favorite snack...
reduced fat wheat thins and jif peanut butter
and yes, diet friendly since the wheat thins are made with whole grain, i can eat a 1/4 cup/serving and a tbs of peanut butter/serving....totally yummers, dipping the crackers into peanut butter.
how are you celebrating national peanut butter day?
what's your favorite brand of peanut butter?
are you a creamy or a crunchy fan?
peanut butter lovers - unite!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#63)

Welcome to the 63rd edition of
Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!
here's a look at some of my faves from this week...

Come share with us!

Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.

I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!


Adventures In Mommy Land


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Friday, January 18, 2013

Nutrisystem #38

This is my 38th week on Nutrisystem.
 I lost 2 pounds this week
{happy dance}
I was recently asked why I haven't lost more first I didn't know what to think, because honestly, I've wondered the very same thing.
But then I realize that everyone loses weight differently.  Some people have higher metabolisms, that makes it easier for them to lose the weight.  Even though I may not act like it, I am 40...the older you get the more your metabolism slows down, making it harder to lose weight.  Maybe that's the case here?
There's really nothing wrong with the way that I am losing's perfect for my body.  I feel like the slower that I lose weight, the more I am learning about myself and how to eat correctly and I think that when it comes time to maintain the weight loss, it will be a lot easier, having lost it slowly. 
Besides weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.  And as long as I keep losing weight, then I am doing my body good.
I mean, sure, who wouldn't want to drop the weight as quickly as snapping your fingers...why else would there be thousands of diet plans, pills, drinks and various other products that promise fast results...those plans don't work in the long run and you always gain the weight want to know why you gain the weight back? Because you didn't learn how to eat properly and when you go off that diet, you go right back to eating the junky stuff you ate that made you fat in the first place.  So, yes, I may not be losing the weight as quickly as others have...but I am losing weight and I am gaining knowledge about eating and living a healthy lifestyle and that's just perfectly fine with me.
If you would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
My Stats
4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
  • 09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
  • 09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
  • 09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
  • 09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
  • 10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
  • 10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
  • 10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
  • 10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
  • 11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
  • 11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
  • 11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
  • 11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)
  • 11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)
  • 12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)
  • 12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)
  • 12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)
  • 12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)
  • 01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)
  • 01/11/13 - 147 (week thirty seven)
  • 01/18/13 - 145 (week thirty eight)

  • *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem


    Sunday, January 13, 2013

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#62)

    Welcome to the 62nd edition of
    Hey Mom, Look What I Did!
    we took a little break for the holidays and now it's time to get back on track.
    so what fun stuff have you been up to?
    Come share with us!
    Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.
    There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.
    I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.

    Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

    Adventures In Mommy Land

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Friday, January 11, 2013

    Nutrisystem #37

    Today wraps up my 37th week on Nutrisystem.
    I didn't lose a dang thing this week, but I didn't gain either so it's all good.
    I hit a wall these last few weeks.
    Everyone keeps telling me how inspiring I am and I feel unworthy, since I am having such a difficult time lately.  Winter is always depressing to me and I have been letting it beat me. It's been one thing after another, after another and I let the depression rule over me.  And I admit, I cheated for about a week on my wasn't like a bingey thing or even super junky food (well, except for a piece or two of chocolate or candy) was mostly just eating popcorn (more than the allotted amount) and extra proteins or smart carbs, but I still consider that cheating (since it was more than I should of had).  Rich called me on it and told me to knock it off....LOL...sometimes you just need somebody to give you a swift kick in the pants.

    So, yesterday, I decided I wasn't going to let something like this beat me anymore.  I figured if I could lose 30 plus pounds, go to college after 20 years and start a sewing business all within a year, then I could conquer this depression that is weighing me down.

    I got up and got dressed and stopped laying around watching tv all day.  I still have a lot of weight to lose and I don't want to give up now.  I love the Nutrisystem community on their site's message boards and facebook as well.  When you are feeling down, need a suggestion, a recipe, praise, encouragement...there is always somebody there to lend an ear or shoulder or a high five.  It's great being a part of a community of people who have been there, done that.  It's just one of the many reasons that I love Nutrisystem....I know I'm not alone in my struggles.  It's kind of funny that I'm bringing this up, because one of their newest commercials features a woman opening a Nutrisystem box with people in there (counselor, community members, nutritionist, etc.)...and that struck me as what the program really is about.  You aren't doing this alone, you have a whole network cheering you can you not love that.

    If you would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

    My Stats
    4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
    05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
  • 09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
  • 09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
  • 09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
  • 09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
  • 10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
  • 10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
  • 10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
  • 10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
  • 11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
  • 11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
  • 11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
  • 11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)
  • 11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)
  • 12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)
  • 12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)
  • 12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)
  • 12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)
  • 01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)
  • 01/11/13 - 147 (week thirty seven)

  • *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem


    Monday, January 07, 2013


    Wrapping up my ninth month on Nutrisystem.
    losing weight is hard
    don't you wish it was just as easy to take the weight off as it is putting it on?
    I've been in a major funk lately...I suffer from seasonal affective disorder every winter.  I guess I'm just a sunshine girl, who needs warmth and light.

    I also rather enjoy exercising outside, and since I have asthma, I can't enjoy it in the winter (not to mention I'm always freezing cold, so I can't stand being outside in the wintertime).

    But I'm still exercising as much as I can with my dvds and free weights.  It hasn't been completely easy, the SAD thing had it's way with me for about a month or so.  I think it was the stress from school and the holidays that I was dealing with combined with the SAD that did me in.  I'm slowly coming out of it.  I'm so thankful for having such an understanding family.

    I did lose another pound, so I am now 147 pounds.
    I am officially a size 8 too.

    I still have a long way to go...but I'm getting there.
    did you know that Nutrisystem has some new yummy foods on their menu?
    chocolate pretzel bar
    chicken pot pie
    nacho chips
    turkey sausage and egg muffin
    chocolate covered pretzels
    broccoli cheese stuffed chicken breast
    and right now, you can try Nutrisystem too....with this special offer - save 50% off your order and get free shipping too!
    It really is as simple as opening a box and eating the food.
    If you would like to learn more about how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
    My Stats
    04/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
    05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
  • 09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
  • 09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
  • 09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
  • 09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
  • 10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
  • 10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
  • 10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
  • 10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
  • 11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
  • 11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
  • 11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
  • 11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)
  • 11/30/12 - 150 (week thirty one)
  • 12/07/12 - 150 (week thirty two)
  • 12/14/12 - 149 (week thirty three)
  • 12/21/12 - 148 (week thirty four)
  • 12/28/12 - 148 (week thirty five)
  • 01/04/13 - 147 (week thirty six)
    *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem


    Thursday, January 03, 2013

    Review Extravaganza 2012: Week 4

    This week I'm looking back at October, November and December and finishing up my year in review with Emmy and her friends.

    The last few months have been particularily busy.

     October was the month of celebrations, as we celebrated the One Year Anniversary of the link party Hey Mom, Look What I Did

    I also celebrated six months of lifestyle change and losing 26 pounds at that point.
    (those pants that I'm wearing are too big for me now)
    We went on a little weekend trip to Georgia to watch our beautiful niece get married
    and I made this adorable dinosaur costume for my nephew
    In November, I talked about making memories for your children, by taking pictures with them, not just of them
    Nathan made a super cute dinosaur craft
    We celebrated Thanksgiving
    and I shared my recipe for peanut butter pie
    In December, I shared a family tradition and a few crafts
    And while I didn't share this here, I did share on Adventures In Mommy Land's facebook page, that I finished my first semester of college...with all A's and B's.  I was wicked proud of myself!
    Hope next year is just, if not more, awesome as this year has been.....