Sarah on third base

Sarah at bat!

Zachary at bat!

They Won, They Won!!

Celebrating the big win

********The previous pics are from the game, sorry for the blurry celebrating pics, I took them with my cell phone and it doesn't have an action setting, LOL! (and for the record, our last name isn't Campbell so no worries).**********
The twins had a ball game today. They do fairly well, not all stars but better than other players. Zachary more often than not, walks because he will get more balls than strikes. Sometimes he will swing the bat and make contact with the ball, but I can't remember the last time he actually hit the ball. But he does well with other things, I know one game they didn't score any runs until Zachary walked to first and then stole second and then third and then made it home. He scored the first run of the game by basically stealing his way, LOL! Whatever gets you there, eh? But I noticed that the coach does play Zach in the in field, usually second or third base. And he does pretty good in there. So maybe that's his thing, you know?
Sarah on the other hand isn't afraid to hit the ball. She doesn't care if she strikes out, but she'll go down swinging that bat when she does. There are times that she hits the ball and that girl has some power. Sarah will usually always hit the ball when she gets angry or frustrated. She is the only girl on her team, and maybe the only girl playing in her division (for our town). Most girls moved up to softball after t-ball, but Sarah wanted to stay with her brother.
Like I said, when she feels frustrated she will get a great hit, almost everytime. One game, the other team (all boys) was being mean and saying things like strike her out, she's easy, she's a girl. And Sarah whacked that ball into the outfield and proved all those boys wrong and she did it all with a smile on her face. That same game there was a pop up that went to the outfield and Sarah reached up and caught the ball (it was almost accidental that she did), she just stood there with the huge grin. Like, take that one boys! Go Girl Power!!
Today, though I couldn't be more proud of my girl. During one inning, she hit the ball and it rolled right over second base and she scored a double. Because (I didn't know this) but if the ball rolls over the plate, they automatically get a base. When the next inning came up, there was a girl pitcher and Sarah swung the ball - strike. Next pitch was a ball, then Sarah swung that bat and cracked that ball out there. The boys on the other team started stumbling for the ball, Sarah made it to first, second, then third. Did I mention that bases were loaded? Oh yeah my baby girl hit a triple and got three boys home. Everyone was jumping up and down, screaming. I think I was the loudest lol! It was fanastic!! When she crossed home plate I was screaming that's MY girl and clapping like a fool LOL!! It was great! The team was behind a few points when she did this too, so she in a sense saved the team and all the boys were so excited it was great. When Sarah asked me why I didn't take a pic of her hit, I said Sarah even if I thought to take a pic, it wouldn't have come out very well, because I was jumping up and down so much, LOL!
At the end of the game, her coach gave her the game ball. How neat is that?! I'm so proud of her! She is and always has been what I had wanted to be. She doesn't take crap off of anyone. She always tells it like it is, no matter what. She gets her feelings hurt, but she doesn't quit or stop fighting. In alot of ways she reminds me of Grandma. I still have a smile on my face thinking about that game and how much fun Sarah had and how great she felt doing it. That's MY Girl!!
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