Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Five Ingredient Peanut Butter Pie

This is a family favorite
If you love peanut butter...you will love this pie!
you only need 5 ingredients to make it
1 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
2 containers Cool Whip, thawed
1 chocolate graham cracker crust
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Beat in the peanut butter. Fold in 1 container of whipped topping. Spread filling onto the crust. Chill for 1 hour.
Spread top with remaining container of whipped topping. Refrigerate 1 hour before serving.
Sprinkle chocolate chips on top....Or, drizzle chocolate sauce on top for garnish.
this is always the first thing to go on the dessert table.
and bonus....it's super easy to make!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#58)

Welcome to the 58th edition of
Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!
here is a look at some of my faves from this week...

(there are lots of fun Thanksgiving activities listed)
(also featured is a sweet little mayflower handprint boat...adorbs!)
(more turkey ideas for little ones)
(bringing a little Mother Nature indoors)
(more Thanksgiving day fun)
Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on this week and I can't wait to see it!!
Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.

I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!


Adventures In Mommy Land

Also, I am looking for a few guest bloggers for the holiday season...I did this last year and it was a blast! If you would like to share a craft project for kids, a recipe or kid friendly activity, leave a comment or message me.  Thanks!!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nutrisystem #30

Well, did you survive the holiday dinner?
Eat too much?
I ate a Nutrisystem breakfast, a Nutrisystem lunch and then I ate Thanksgiving dinner.
I managed my portions...I had
2oz of turkey
1/2 cup of mashed potatoes
1/2 cup of stuffing
2 TBS or so of gravy (just enough for my potatoes)
1/2 cup of a cheesy broccoli dish
I also ate one slice of peanut butter pie
(which was my splurge of the day).
And guess what....I still lost a pound for the week.
which means I lost 30 pounds - YAY ME!!
Hello Mr. 30 Pound Bear...come join your brothers
Here's a little visual for you.....
What a difference 30 pounds makes, huh?
(me this past February....I probably weighed about 185 or so...)
(me this Thanksgiving.....150 pounds)
Thank you Nutrisystem!!!
Here are some tips from Nutrisystem's blog to help you get through the holiday season.  Posted by Meredith Bandy, Public Relations Manager at Nutrisystem
The holiday season is a dreaded time for many people on a weight loss program, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are 10 easy ways you can enjoy the celebration days without feeling punished or sacrificing your Nutrisystem progress.

1. Have a plan. Think things through before you get to the actual holiday meals and parties. Maybe your strategy is to take tiny portions of different dishes; that’s okay. If you’re cooking, you might want to have your bottle of water with you in the kitchen, so you’re less tempted to snack. Do what you can to stay away from the appetizer table. Plan to avoid anything that’s not homemade. The point is that if you go in with a plan, you’ll be less likely to get caught off-guard.
  • - Utilize “The Low GI Cookbook – Nutrisystem Edition,” for cooking up some delicious holiday meals such as the Roasted Pumpkin and Mushroom Lasagna or Pork With Honey Glazed Apples, while staying on track and not depriving yourself of the holiday festivities. The cookbook is available for purchase over the phone or on nutrisystem.com.
2. Stay on track. Holidays are not the time to skip meals in an attempt to “bank” calories. That’s a strategy that can backfire miserably. Instead, eat everything on your meal plan leading up to the holiday event, and make sure you’re drinking all your water. You’ll be less likely to overindulge at the big event.

3. Set a goal. There’s something about holidays that makes people forget what they do the rest of the year. Do you already have weight loss goals set up for November, December and January? If not you can start today. Once you’ve set a short-term goal, decide on a way to reward yourself once the goal has been reached.

4. Drink smart. Face it, overindulging during holiday events—whether it’s an office party, a family gathering or a neighborhood open house—can add a lot of extra calories to your day. In addition, when you’ve had too much to drink, it tends to weaken your previous resolve and derail any strategies and plans you might have had. Besides, you don’t want to end up as that karaoke-singing family member or neighbor everyone will be talking about for the next month.

5. Trim the calories. This tip is especially useful if you happen to be the primary cook for an event. In baked items, replace the fat with an equal amount of applesauce and the sugar with a sugar substitute; substitute a quarter cup of egg substitute for every egg called for in the recipe; replace butter with low fat margarine; replace whole milk with 1% milk and sour cream with yogurt; reduce the amount of nuts called for by half. And don’t forget both veggies and salad.

6. Enlist support. Trying to maintain your Nutrisystem program can be hard at the holidays, but there’s no reason you have to go it alone. Ask for your family’s understanding or even their help, so nobody’s trying to foist “seconds” on you. Nutrisystem counselors can help you strategize, based on your individual circumstances. Or you can go to the Nutrisystem Discussion Boards, where you’ll find people who definitely understand what you’re trying to do. Discuss your concerns; share tips of your own, or join one of the many weight loss challenges. Some of them are specifically geared to the holidays. Introduce yourself well before the event, so you have that support already in place.

7. Keep moving. Instead of just sitting around after dinner, suggest a family walk, or organize a touch-football game. Most people will be grateful for the chance to move around, and it can keep you on-track with your exercise plan.

8. Quality not Quantity. If you do plan to indulge in some of the traditional Thanksgiving favorites, use these portions as a guideline:
  • Turkey—3 oz. white meat, no skin (about the size of a deck of cards)
  • Mashed potatoes—1/3 cup (about the size of half of a baseball)
  • Gravy—1 Tbsp. (just drizzle it)
  • Relish made with sugar—1 Tbsp.
  • Stuffing—2 Tbsp.
  • Dinner Roll—if not homemade, skip it
  • Pie—1/12 of a 9” pie
9. Eat Before You Go. Whether you are hosting or just attending a holiday function, be sure to eat your Nutrisystem entrée before the festivities begin — that way you won’t be tempted to overeat during the meal and will be able to stay on track.

10. Embrace the holiday spirit. This last tip may just be the most important: You can get so caught up in all the planning and hoopla that you lose the whole meaning of the holiday season—coming together with friends and loved ones. It’s the time that’s really valuable, not the food and drink.
For more tips on how to get healthy and lose weight on Nutrisystem - Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog
My Stats
  • 04/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
  • 09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
  • 09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
  • 09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
  • 09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
  • 10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
  • 10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
  • 10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
  • 10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
  • 11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
  • 11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
  • 11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)
  • 11/23/12 - 150 (week thirty)

  • *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem.


    Friday, November 23, 2012

    gobble gobble

    Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving
    I know we did

    Did you all go shopping for Black Friday?
    I didn't
    I never go....I'm just not that brave.

    Monday, November 19, 2012

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#57)

    Welcome to the 57th edition of
    Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!
    Nathan made this dinosaur craft this week

    here's a look at some of my faves from this week...

    Pirate Adventure

    (I'm sure by now, everyone knows about  my love of all things pirate)
    (lots of cute handprint art and birds featured)
    (little ones will enjoy making and eating these adorable little treats)
    (Cool project to go with the story)
    Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on this week and I can't wait to see it!!
    Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.
    There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.
    I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.
    Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!
    Adventures In Mommy Land


    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Sunday, November 18, 2012


    Nathan and I read the book
    The Really, Really, Really Big Dinosaur
    by Richard Byrne
    The book is about a little dinosaur named Jackson, who wants to share his jelly beans with his friend.  While he is waiting for his friend to wake up from his nap, he splits the jelly beans up into two piles.  Along comes a big dinosaur who wants all of Jackson's jelly beans.  He tries to bully Jackson into giving him the jelly beans, but Jackson won't give them up.  This cleverly written book is a great platform for bullying that even young children can understand. 
    As you read the book see if you can find the hidden character and discover if the big dinosaur gets away with his bully behavior or not.
    After reading the book, Nathan and I made our very own dinosaur.
    We painted two paper plates (we only used one, but we painted two just in case).

    Next we cut one plate in half
    cut the rim off the other half and four rectangles for legs, an oval for the head and a small piece for a fin for the head.  We glued a wiggle eye on it's head.  The rim we cut into a tail and a neck.
    We punched holes and used brad fasteners to hold everything together so he can move the legs, neck, tail and head and play with it.

    Nathan's Really Really Really Big Dinosaur
    Playing with it....

    *Disclosure ~ I received a copy of this book from Tiger Tales.  The craft and my opinions herein are my own and not influenced by Tiger Tales in any way.

    Saturday, November 17, 2012

    Nutrisystem #29

    Today wraps up my 29th week on Nutrisystem.
    Some days, when I wake up and look in the mirror I still can't believe that the reflection looking back is really me.
    Mirrors are funny, aren't they?
    Our minds are even stranger.
    when I was a teenager and weighed less than my daughters do today, I thought I was fat.
    I weighed 110 and thought I was huge.
    After I had my first few kids, I weighed a little less than what I weigh now and I thought I was fat then too.

    Now that I lost some weight, my mind still thinks of myself as fat.
    when I go clothes shopping I start walking towards the plus sizes
    until I stop and think to myself "hey you aren't a plus size anymore"
    I still reach for bigger clothes, because when I hold up something in my actual size I think to myself, surely that won't fit me.  then I try on the bigger size and I'm shocked that it so huge.
    why do we torture ourselves like this?
    what in the world is this world coming to?
    I read the other day that a size 8 was plus size.....an 8!!!
    who decides these things?
    Yes, being healthy and "skinny" is wonderful,
    But having a healthier mind set is even better.  Let's stop tormenting ourselves and give each other a break, shall we?

    Let's not only get physically healthy
    but mentally healthy as well.
    we owe it to ourselves.
    My Stats

  • 04/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 05/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 05/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 05/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 05/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 06/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 06/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 06/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 06/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 06/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 07/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 07/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 07/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 07/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 08/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 08/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 08/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 08/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 08/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)
  • 09/07/12 - 159 (week nineteen)
  • 09/14/12 - 157 (week twenty)
  • 09/21/12 - 155 (week twenty one)
  • 09/28/12 - 155 (week twenty two)
  • 10/03/12 - 155 (week twenty three)
  • 10/12/12 - 154 (week twenty four)
  • 10/19/12 - 153 (week twenty five)
  • 10/26/12 - 153 (week twenty six)
  • 11/02/12 - 152 (week twenty seven)
  • 11/09/12 - 152 (week twenty eight)
  • 11/16/12 - 151 (week twenty nine)

    Do you want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

  • *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem.


    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    Campus Book Rentals

    As my first semester of college is coming to an end and finals are approaching, I have realized that I have not only enjoyed this semester, but I have learned a lot of cool tricks from other students in my classes and from my favorite college student, Amanda.  That kid has held my hand through most of this process...it's kind of funny in retrospect, since I was the one holding her hand taking her to school on her first day each year.
    Ah, life as a mom, in all it's bittersweet glory...darn them for growing up!
    One of the neat tricks Amanda taught me was that you could rent college books...how cool is that? I remember long ago when I first went to college, standing in long lines to return books and getting less than half of what I paid for them.  It almost didn't seem worth it.  Now you can rent your college books, what a genius idea!
    This week I am getting ready to register for spring semester and with a new semester comes new books.  This time I'm taking the easy (and cheaper) route and renting my books from Campus Book Rentals.  Campus Book Rentals has a large selection of books in various topics, making them an excellent choice to rent from.  They also have free shipping to and from.  Free...heck yeah! Let's face it, college is expensive enough without the extra added cost of books and other materials.  Why not cut some of the expenses by renting your books.  Plus, with each book you rent, Campus Book Rentals donates to Operation Smile, sounds like a win - win to me!

    I'm actually kicking myself, because I just looked up all my books from this semester and not only does Campus Book Rentals have them, they are less than half the price of buying used at the book store....think of all the money I could have saved!!!

    Just look at this example, here is a book that I used for my child psy class, I paid $74 used at the college book store....definitely a kick in the butt moment.  WOW - What a price difference!!
    Here are some more really cool perks of renting from Campus Book Rentals:

    -save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
    -free shipping both ways
    -can highlight in the textbooks
    -flexible renting periods
    -large selection of books to choose from
    -they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
    You can find even more perks and information by checking out their website, facebook and twitter too.
    *Disclosure: I am receiving a gift certificate in exchange for this post.  The words herein are my own and were not influenced by Campus Book Rentals or Operation Smile in any way.


    Sunday, November 11, 2012

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#56)

    Welcome to the 56th edition of
    Hey Mom, Look What I Did
    here's a look at some of my faves this week.
    (tons of activities for preschoolers)
    (perfect seasonal craft for toddlers)
    (adorable little treat for the kiddos)
    (kids and pumpkin guts...need I say more? hah)
    Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on this week and I can't wait to see it!!

    Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

    There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.

    I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.

    Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!
    Adventures In Mommy Land


    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)