If you don't remember, I'll remind you again that I live in a very small town. Every year our town busts out it's finest to get ready for the annual Coal Show Parade. The coal show is a week long event - we have golf tournaments, a beauty pageant, cheer leading competitions, coal mining rescue events, coal exhibits, art exhibits, a small pet parade, a bike parade, a small carnival and a big parade with fire trucks and beauty queens and marching bands. This event has been going on for over 50 years. As a kid it was my favorite thing of the summer. It also meant that school was going to start the following Monday.
I was asked recently why it was called a "Coal Show" parade. It's called a coal show, because we live in a coal region. Years ago, it was a HUGE coal region. Everyone was either a coal miner or they knew a coal miner. It's not as big as it once was, but there are still a few mines that are open. But since coal played such a big part in our area, we celebrate it! Just another thing I love about small towns!
The Pet Parade

Our high school marching band

there's Anthony playing his sax (right in front of the tuba)

Anthony again - he looks so handsome, doesn't he?

Who let the dogs out?!

This dog looked more like a horse!

Anthony again

Nicholas, complete with his "koolaid" smile

Nathan just loves parades

here's that huge dog again, I just couldn't believe it
The Bike Parade

Anthony marching in the bike parade



And more bikes

The Coal Queen announcing the bike parade winners