Tell us a bit about yourself........I am a twenty something mamma to two adorable red heads. I have the priviledge of getting to stay at home and homeschool them, which is an adventure in itself. I have a wonderful hubby. We have been married 8 years and it still feels like we're newly weds. I love that man! I love all things cute and girly! I love chickflicks, crafting, and repurposing.
Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself........hmmm...three fun facts about myself? That's a hard one, but I'll give it a try. I love history. I think the 50's and 60's had THE BEST fashion trends ever. Who doesn't love big hair and pencil skirts with heels? Love them! I can touch my nose with my tongue. Weird, but true. My kids can do it too! I guess the talent runs in the family. I love Diet Cream soda. It is like the best part of my day. I always have one after my littles go to bed. I guess it is my way to unwind. A yummy diet cream soda and a good book or craft project and I am one happy mamma!
When did you first start blogging..........I first started blogging when we were stationed in Washignton. It was just a family blog then. About 2 years ago though my hubby encouraged me to start a craft/homeschooling blog. I followed his advice and never looked back. I have loved blogging ever since!
What is your blog about..........Blissful and Domestic is my bloggy home. It is where I blog about homeschooling, crafts, sewing, cooking. Basically anything Domestic. I think there is so much beauty in being domestic, which I feel is being lost in today's society trends. I love being a stay at home mom and wife, which is what I try to convey through my blog.
Why do you blog.........I blog because I want to share with other women what gets me through each day. I think we can inspire one another through our blogs and that is what I try to do as much as I can.
What inspires you........Other moms inspire me. Reading their stories, seeing things that work for them and their kids. That inspires me and gets my mind creating.
Why do you blog.........I blog because I want to share with other women what gets me through each day. I think we can inspire one another through our blogs and that is what I try to do as much as I can.
What inspires you........Other moms inspire me. Reading their stories, seeing things that work for them and their kids. That inspires me and gets my mind creating.
Must read blogs that you visit daily...........I have a few must reads and here they are:
Do you have any blogging advice that you would like to share......I have met many friends, through blogging. I recently met a friend who was feeling kind of down about her blog. She had received some not so cute comments and was feeling down. She didn't think her ideas were worth the blogging effort. I had something simple to tell her. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Eleanor Roosevelt knew what she was talking about. You are worth it and your ideas are worth it. You should blog for you, not for others. Blog about what makes you happy, and your readers will see that joy in your words. Just remember you ARE worth it.
Thank you so much for having me today Charlene and
letting share a little bit with you
letting share a little bit with you

FYI: Danielle is currently hosting a month long Halloween party....Check out her blog Blissful and Domestic for daily guest posts and tons of Halloween craft ideas!

Thanks so much for having me. I just did a shout out on facebook:>
Oh sounds like a blog I definitely want to check out!
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