Friday, August 31, 2012

week 18

This week wraps up my 18th week on Nutrisystem.
You know what I realized all these weeks while I was stuck at 160 with no loss....
that when I reach my goal and I'm ready to maintain the weight loss, I should have no problems sticking to it.  I mean think about it, I may not have lost anything while I was stuck hanging in limbo, but I didn't gain anything either {high fives for me}
Although, I do have to say that I am happy to report that I did lose one pound this week.  It may be one pound, but it's one pound that I lost during a very stressful week, where I had a hard time following my diet.  I ate the right foods and I exercised (God, did I ever exercise - I must be logging away mile after mile huffing across campus as much as I do).   I also drank my water, but my schedule is off and I skipped some meals here and there.

Last week I shared some of my favorite dinners.  This week since I've had the munchies, I figured I would share some yummy desserts.
I'm a serious chocolate and peanut butter you know I'm going to absolutely love this chocolate peanut butter bar.
When I'm craving something salty and crunchy, I reach for these pretzels...yum!
I also love coconut and almond...almond joys used to be my friend...til now.  These are delicious and seriously taste just like the candy bar.
If you like thin mints or those grasshopper will go gah gah over this thin mint crunch bar....It is da bomb - I swear.  It's actually  my new fave.
Do you want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting


My Stats

  • 4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 5/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 5/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 5/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 5/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 6/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 6/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 6/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 6/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 6/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 7/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 7/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 7/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 7/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 8/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 8/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 8/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 8/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)
  • 8/31/12 - 159 (week eighteen)

    *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem.


    Thursday, August 30, 2012

    first day

    The kids are back in school....
    Every darn year this group gets smaller :(
    Zachary, 9th grade
    Sarah, 9th grade
    Nicholas, 5th grade

    Nathan, 2nd grade
    We had our traditional pancake breakfast.  Funny thing was the kids complained that I only made "plain ol pancakes" --- they were like hey, where's the blueberries or the banana ones or the chocolate chips....spoiled little buggers! Haha!
    We made these little treats for the little guys teachers.
    smores treats and chocolate covered pretzels (using a flower mold that I found at Joanns)
    Hey, what teacher doesn't want or perhaps need some chocolate after the first day ;)
    Nick with his teacher

    Nathan with his teacher

    They all seemed to have a great day....the last two days, Nathan passed out on the floor in his room before 6 p.m.
    That makes it a great day for Mommy too.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    home town proud

    Thanks for serving our country

    A grand old flag
    Sarah and her clarinet

    Zach marching
    me with my niece Paige

    nephew Ryan

    2 monkeys
    mommy and nathan

    my twin Charlie was in the parade, he is a drum instructor at one of the school's in the area

    Ryan with my sister in law Amy (Charlie's wife)


    they look thrilled....actually it was hot
    he was passed around alot...I don't think his little booty spent one min in his stroller the whole time

    Ryan and Sarah

    me and Amy

    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#46)

    Welcome to the 46th edition of
    Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!!
    here's a look at some of my faves from this week...
    (this is an awesome idea and a must have on the to do list!)
    (if you know me by know how much I love messy art and this fits the bill)
    Saturday, August 18, 20
    (this looks like more smooshy, messy fun)
    (what a fun and delicious lesson)
    The boys and I made some sweet treats for the teachers, which I will share with you in a future post.
    Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on this week and I can't wait to see it!!

    Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

    There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.

    I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.
    Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!
    Adventures In Mommy Land

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Friday, August 24, 2012

    My 17th week on Nutrisystem

    Today wraps up my 17th week on Nutrisystem.
    I have been under so much stress lately with school starting not only for the kids, but for myself.  I have been freaking out.  What's funny is....I'm not really all that nervous about the academic part of going back to school - I'm more nervous about making sure I get to the right class on time, whether I have the right books or enough tablets and highlighters, where to park, and what I'm going to do for the hour or so I have between classes.....isn't that weird?  But I have been a huge bundle of nerves...why, I have no idea, I guess I wouldn't be me if I didn't have something to worry about.
    My point in telling you all this, is that all that stress that I have needlessly been putting myself through means that I am not losing any weight.  I haven't gained anything at least I'm maintaining the weight that I lost already, but I need to de-stress and stop worrying so much so that I can start losing again.
    I still get asked all time about the food, whether I think it's good or not.....hey listen, we ALL have different tastes in food.  What one person will love, another might not.  I personally don't like seafood, but Rich loves it.  I might recommend a food that I love that you think tastes nasty (and that can be from a restaurant, not necessarily Nutrisystem).  I can recommend foods that I like and I can tell you how much I love it and someone else might tell you that it's nasty and they didn't like it.....why let someone else's opinion hold you back from trying it.  What can it hurt to at least try something different....Obviously, if you are even considering going on Nutrisystem or any diet for that matter, than what you've been doing isn't working, right?
    Here's a look at some of my favorite dinners....
    I have always been a fan of pizza....I love it.  The most shocking part of this diet was the portion control.  I would have easily eaten 2 or 3 of these pizzas in the past....what's funny is this little pizza by Nutrisystem fits the size of a small plate.  I always cut mine up in fourths and top it with turkey pepperoni and green peppers.  Cutting it up in smaller pieces and eating it on a small plate, tricks me into thinking I'm eating alot.
    My family loves chicken and biscuits...we eat it at least once a month.  I like this version, it's healthier.  I like mashed potatoes, which don't come with this dinner, but I don't even realize they are missing, because I eat a slice of whole grain/wheat bread with it instead.
    This is a dinner that I normally (or used to) would have turned my nose up to.  I'm not a big meat eater and I really didn't like sweet potatoes much before.  But this version of pork is delicious.  It is called Adobo Rubbed Pork.  It is a wee bit spicy to me and I'm not really a fan of spicy food, but I actually love this.  I can't say which I like more..the pork or the sweet potatoes.
    This ravioli is super yummy.  It tastes similar to frozen ravioli (you know that kind that comes in a bag that you boil and then add sauce to it).  I love Italian food - lasagna, spaghetti, mancotti and ravioli :-)   So, of course, I would love this too.
    Next week, I'm hoping to totally rock with some weight loss...keep those fingers crossed for me!
    Do you want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
    My Stats
  • 4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 5/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 5/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 5/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 5/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 6/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 6/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 6/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 6/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 6/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 7/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 7/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 7/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 7/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 8/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 8/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 8/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)
  • 8/24/12 - 160 (week seventeen)

    *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and were not influenced by Nutrisystem.

    Sunday, August 19, 2012

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#45)

    Welcome to the 45th edition of

    Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!!

    Here's a look at some of my faves from this week....

    (the floral crown is so cute and the whole day's adventure sounds like fun)

    (yummy smelling chocolate, strawberry and vanilla play dough, makes me hungry)

    (who doesn't love finger paint?!?)

    (such a cute idea for a sensory bin)

    Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on this week and I can't wait to see it!!

    Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

    There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC.

    I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter, where I feature and share some your fabulous projects during the week.

    Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

    Adventures In Mommy Land


    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Friday, August 17, 2012


    Well, today wraps up four whole months on Nutrisystem

     I can't believe it's been four months!

    I've lost a total of 20 pounds so far and I'm happy with that (I still have to lose 40 more to reach my goal).  Sure it would be nice to have lost some more, but I know that any loss is a loss and it should be celebrated.  This is not a race, it's a journey and a life lesson.  And I'm learning alot.

    For example, I recently went to my college registration and had to eat lunch there on campus at their cafe.  In a sea of temptation of cheeseburgers, fries, pizza and more...I ate a salad and a bowl of broth based soup - Italian wedding style.  I happily ate my salad (with the dressing on the side, btw) while all around me, I watched people parading past with plates loaded high with pasta, meatballs, bread, stuffed chicken breasts smothered in gravy and more.  I watched people walking back and forth getting more plates and then topping it off with sweet goodies from the dessert stand and sundae bar all the while washing it down with glasses of cola and sweet tea.  Some of these people were overweight, others were not.  I wasn't judging anyone, just trying to make the right choices for me.

    In the past, I would have eaten far more than I should have and I would have walked away feeling way too full.  And I probably would have felt miserable, not just physically, but emotionally as well.  This time however, I was completely satisfied with my salad and soup.  I drank my water and I was full, but in a good way.  I'm learning that I can make healthy choices and be satisfied with a salad instead of overloading on junk and bad carbs.  I have learned that proper portion sizes are a major key to losing weight as well.  Sure, I will tempted to make bad choices and I will give in once in a while too....but I also realize that those kinds of foods don't really satisfy me, so I think to myself, why even bother.  And when I do give in on a rare occasion, they usually end up tasting crappy anyway.

    I'm also learning that sometimes lots of exercise, means injuries can happen.   I'm not sure what I did, but I hurt my knee somehow, cause it hurts like a bugger.  I didn't exercise for a week.  I also didn't feel very well, which means I didn't eat the right amount of food.  No cheating, just not drinking enough water or eating all the food that I'm supposed to - when you don't eat enough food, your body starts to go into starvation mode, which sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? But it's not.  Your body freaks out from it...not the technical terminology (haha) and you gain weight instead of losing it.  So you always want to make sure you are eating enough to sustain your body, it's all about balancing good nutritious food, proper portions and exercise.

    At any rate, because I didn't exercise or eat properly, I didn't lose any weight this week.  I didn't gain anything either, which is a good thing.  I stayed at 160, like I said, it's a slow process, but losing it slowly just means I'll have a better chance of keeping it off.

  • 4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 5/04/12 - 175 (week one)
  • 5/11/12 - 174 (week two)
  • 5/18/12 - 172 (week three)
  • 5/25/12 - 170 (week four)
  • 6/01/12 - 169 (week five)
  • 6/08/12 - 169 (week six)
  • 6/15/12 - 168 (week seven)
  • 6/22/12 - 166 (week eight)
  • 6/29/12 - 166 (week nine)
  • 7/06/12 - 166 (week ten)
  • 7/13/12 - 164 (week eleven)
  • 7/20/12 - 164 (week twelve)
  • 7/27/12 - 165 (week thirteen)
  • 8/03/12 - 163 (week fourteen)
  • 8/10/12 - 160 (week fifteen)
  • 8/17/12 - 160 (week sixteen)

  • Do you want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

    *Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and not influenced by Nutrisystem.