Today was my family Christmas party. We just do this with my side of the family, because Rich's mother and sister are too far away. We had alot of fun.
We did a Chinese auction with the adult gifts. I got a box of about twenty picture frames, and mats for the frames. Rich got a gift card for Lowe's which was perfect for him. My mother gave him a gift card from Home Depot as well, so he is all set in that department. My mother gave me a cute shirt, and a little glass angel.
The kids made out like bandits. My mother gave them each a 20 bill. My sister gave them various gifts such as; Nathan a playdoh set, Nicholas matchbox cars, Amanda perfume, Anthony a little basketball hoop and ball, Zachary also got matchbox cars, Sarah got a Hello Kitty purse/stationary set. My brother and his wife gave them clothes from Old Navy. And they got candy and other stuff. So they are flying high.
Speaking of flying high, Rich gave Amanda and Anthony one of their presents early. They got Crazers from Verizon (cell phones). They have been downloading songs (because it is also an MP3 player), putting their friends into the phone books and taking pictures like crazy.
We had alot of good food, fun laughs and just an all around good time. I took a ton of pictures and added them to my photobucket account. All in all it was a nice day. Despite me having to run around at the last minute to buy three gifts, plus ground beef to make my pot luck dish. We ended up being about an hour or so late. But my family knows how I'm always running around like a nut and how I'm always late for everything.
Oh and I was pleasantly surprised when my sister said she goes to my photobucket account and downloads pictures of the kids. And how she is constantly showing everyone who doesn't believe I have six kids their pictures. It was funny and neat at the same time. I think it's because I have always looked up to her. I mean she is my older sister and all, but I have always wanted to be like her, or something like that. Anyway I just thought it was neat that she was looking and showing off her nieces and nephews. I was wondering how I had so many hits on there. I get like 500-2,000 every month. And I know I look alot and download things, but not that much.
*** pictures of the party; my brothers and sister (my twin brother is the one of the end); a picture of all the cousins; me and Rich and the kids; siblings and spouses***
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