Saturday, October 23, 2010

Aaaarrgghh! Spider!

Nathan and I recently read the book Aaaarrgghh! Spider! by Lydia Monks.  It is a cute little book about a spider that wants to be a family's pet.  He tries to show them that he will keep himself clean by getting in the bathtub (but the mommy rinses him down the drain).  He tries to show them he will keep himself fed (but the family sweeps him and his webs out the door).  Then he decides that maybe he should just be an outside pet, and he spins lots of sparkly webs all over the family's trees.  They think it looks pretty, so they decide to make him their pet.  He's so happy that he decides to surprise his new family again .... and well, I don't want to ruin the ending for you, so you'll just have to read the book yourself.

Nathan and I made some sparkly webs of our own and a spider to live in the web.  I took some huge orange construction paper and gave Nathan the glue.  He made a web with the glue and then he used some silver glitter to make it sparkly.

Sure, I could have let him use a glitter glue pen (to help keep things neater), but where's the fun in that.  Half the fun of crafting is making a mess! (That's my philosophy, anyway) 

For the spider, I folded a sheet of black paper in half and traced his hand (don't trace the thumb).  I cut out the hand print and opened it to show Nathan that his spider now had eight legs.  He glued wiggly eyes on the face and then glued the spider to the web. 

Linking to Read Explore Learn....

Shibley Smiles


Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking your project to Read.Explore.Learn. I love it! The spider web and hand spider are wonderful. I need to look for that book. JDaniel would love it.

Stacie said...

What an awesome craft to go with the book. I think he did a great job on his web and spider.

Michelle said...

What a great project to go along with that book. I will have to check out the book and try to do this craft with Emily...I think she would really enjoy it :0)

Jackie said...

The hand print spider is great and the webs are cool!

Debbie said...

How fun and what a great way to bring the book to life!

jC said...

I am so doing this with my 6 yr old! Too cute! thanks for the idea! and btw...I am your newest follower thanks to Relax Surf Sunday Bloghop! Feel free to follow me back at


Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Thanks for linking WMCIR! I love this project in so many ways even though I hate spiders. No way they will be pets anywhere around my house :)

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