Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's Picture Day Today (A Hodge Podge Collage)

When I saw this book at the book store, I just had to get it.  It's Picture Day Today by Megan McDonald is a delightful tale of crafty items getting ready for picture day.  Buttons, feathers, pom poms, strings are ready to go....only someone is missing.  And you can guess who (no really, you have to read the book, I'm not giving it away hah). 

We made "hodge podge" collages using all kinds of different craft items...buttons, sequins, feathers, wagon wheel pasta, fabric leaves, ribbon, pom poms, beads, etc.  The boys had fun designing their collages.  It looked like so much fun that I made one too.  We ended up using tacky glue because things stick to it better than regular glue.

this one is mine

these two are Nathan's

this one is Nick's

Linking to......

Shibley Smiles


Brimful Curiosities said...

Your collages photographed well on their picture day. :)

RedTedArt said...

Oh what pretty and colourful collages!! I really must do more "free" crafts with my son. He would love the freedom of picking and choosing (everything). They came out so well!

Thank you for linking up too!


Susana said...

This book sounds awesome, thank you so much for sharing this title!

Your collages turned out super. They would be a huge hit around here and so much fun!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful book. Your collages are such fun. I love all the textures and colors.

Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn. I Stumbled this post.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This book sounds really interesting, and the craft is perfect for it. These collages are so bright and cheerful!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That seems like such a fun book! Whenever I give my son (he's 4) that many options he seems to choose just one thing to work with or one color to use. I'm thinking it's probably just his age though.

Unknown said...

That looks fun! My 6 yo is reading your post with me and is insisting on getting that book Great post. I'm your newest follower!

LitLass said...

Love the collages. I'll have to try that with my boys.

Debbie said...

What fun! That is a craft I'd love to roll up my sleeves and dive into!

Helene said...

What a fun craft!!! Nathan looks so proud of his creations!!

ARK said...

That book looks really fun! I want to try it now!

Predictable Me said...

HI, Im your newest follower from bloggy moms. I can so relate to your blog. Life here is crazy too. Just the way I like it!!
Please stop by my page and follow me as well.
I look forward to more of your posts!