Friday, June 25, 2010

Rainbow Pudding Pops & Sidewalk Paint

We had such a FUN day today.  The kids and I made some sidewalk paint (equal parts water and cornstarch with food coloring mixed in).  They had so much fun that I had to make some more.  I bought some disposable foam brushes at Dollar General.  They came in various sizes, about 15 in one bag for a buck fifty.  For hours of fun, it was definitely worth it.  I ended up having to run to the store for more cornstarch and food coloring.  All total, I probably spent - 7 dollars for an afternoon of fun.  Not bad in my opinion.

I also made some rainbow pudding pops.  I found the recipe at Kelli's blog.  She has tons of fun ideas too.  You make them the same way you make the rainbow cake, only you use pudding and then you freeze them.  The little kids loved these.  For some reason, Zach's didn't freeze as well and he ended up having to use a bowl to eat his and then Sarah's started to melt off the stick, so she had to grab a bowl too.  They had a lot of fun eating them....The waiting was the worst part LOL! But, the smiles on their faces were just priceless - I just love love love my kiddos!

I used 3 boxes of instant vanilla pudding and food gel colors (just like with the cake).   I divided the pudding into equal parts in bowls and added the food coloring.  I, then, layered the rainbow colored pudding into clear plastic cups.  Next, I added a popsicle stick to the middle and popped them in the freezer.   I'm not sure exactly how long they were in the freezer, because I didn't keep track.  But, my kids also kept opening the drawer over and over again, so it took longer to freeze them.  I can tell you that I made them this afternoon and they were ready for dessert after dinner.


Crystal Escobar said...

How fun!!! Those rainbow pudding pops look yummy! My daughter would LOVE those! Thanks for sharing.
I'm visiting from SITS, and happy to help you get to 300 followers :) Now you only need 7.

Anonymous said...

I think we are on the same page with our reading to children. It reall helps them become life long reader in my opionion. I bet the pops would be great in red, white, and blue. They look yummy.

Emmy said...

Oh I so think we are going to have to copy you!
But our driveway is concrete instead of asphalt, so things like this just don't show up as well.

And I seriously love love your pictures. Show the day off perfectly!
Love the feet one and all of the different colors, they are just all so good!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Looks super fun! Love the photos!

Not Everyones Mama said...

Those are too much fun! I think I must make both for my kids! the pictures are fabulous too! I love the toes splattered with the paint! Stopping by from SITS!

Cheryl said...

I think I need to come to your house - your kids are so lucky to have such a fun and creative mom! I feel bad for MY kids being stuck with me! ;)

Andrea said...

WOW! That is the most colorful day I have ever seen. Amazing! I love it!
Hi from Sits.

Allyson & Jere said...

What a fabulously fun day that looked like. You MUST live somewhere where it's cool enough to actually do said activities outside. Here in AZ, the only time we could do that is in January. But, looks like you're a fun and involved Mom.

Just stopping over from SITS. Had to see who it was that got the lucky #1 comment spot. Good for you!

nmaha said...

I love the way you think of great ideas to keep your kids are a natural mummy :-)

Cindy Haskin-Popp said...

I love the rainbow pudding pop idea. My kids are going to love this! Great summer treat and activity to do.

Diana said...

What a FUN day! LOVE the great paint idea... I may have to try that for July 4th when all the grandkids are here. *woot*

Visiting via SITS... have an AWESOME colorful day! :-D

Debbie said...

You win! You are the world's coolest mom.

Blessed Chick said...

Yummy!!! Great pictures! Cute kids!

J Rodney said...

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Jackie Higgins said...

I love, love, love the pudding pops. We've got a bunch of runny noses and sore throats around here (going on day 7 of it). I think rainbow pudding pops will make everyone feel better! I'm totally making them at naptime.

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Love, love, love it all, girl! It looks like you all had a blast!