Wednesday, December 01, 2010

25 Days of Christmas Books and Paying It Forward

Melissa at 320 Sycamore has this wonderful family tradition that I liked so much I thought it would be nice to make our very own family tradition as well.   Every year, she wraps Christmas books (some new, some old, some borrowed) and lets the kids open one each night to read at bedtime.  How awesome is that idea??

(See Nathan's Advent Chain hanging in the doorway to the right - he made that at school yesterday and couldn't wait to rip off a chain this morning).

When it comes to holidays, I love traditions.  Every year, we do the traditional new jammies on Christmas Eve.  The baking and crafting and all that fun stuff.  Sometimes, it's hard not to go overboard with traditions, especially when you see so many great ideas that others share.  But when it comes to reading and getting new books, how could I resist this one?

I didn't have very many Christmas books, so I bought a few more and I'm going to borrow a few from the library tonight while Nathan is at his story group.  I can't wait to start this tonight with the kids....We already do stories at bedtime, but now we will have an extra fun treat to unwrap and share as well.

In the spirit of the holiday and seeing as today is "Pay It Forward" day (Did you know about this one? I didn't, until I saw it on facebook this morning)....I'm going to give away our new Christmas book.  I participated in a children's book swap with some other bloggy moms.  And I'm going to pass this book onto you. 

(Tiger Tales edition)

Just leave me a comment telling me your favorite Christmas book or a tradition....that's it.  I'll pick a winner tonight.  Leave your email with your comment so that I have a way to contact you.

And don't forget about my Little One Books gift certificate giveaway for your chance to win more Books, CDs or DVDs!

Winner of the book 'Twas The Night Before Christmas (using the random number generator) is.....Stephanie!


Rachel B said...

What a great idea! I do read Christmas stories to the girls every night starting the night after Thanksgiving, but I never thought about wrapping them up. They love unwrapping presents, that is a great idea! My girls have started their advent chain too- on the inside of each one, I write something Christmas-y we are going to do that night- go see lights, put up the tree, watch a Christmas movie, etc, and on a few,I have drawn presents too so those days they will get little early Christmas presents (I got a lot of fabulous stuff on closeout this year for a quarter, so they are getting some of those early). They very nicely take turns ripping it off each day though,which I like (scary how short it is already though!).

I have to ask- what is One Snowy Day about? Is it good? You know how my Kira is about penguins, so I will try to track a copy down at the library if it is good :) Thanks!


MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

That is a great idea!

My favorite Christmas book is A Cup of Christmas Tea (for adults), and probably a good ol' Rudolph book (for kiddos).

And my favorite Christmas tradition is a new ornament every year.

I think I said this a day or so ago, but I can't wait to see what you cook up this holiday season! I'm filing away a lot of your cool creations for when our girls (now 23 months) are a little older.

My email is

Debbie said...

Don't include me in the giveaway. But, I did want to say that I think wrapping the books and doing one a night is a brilliant idea!

It's Always Something Around Here said...

We always read Twas the night before Christmas together. We do new ornaments every year.

StephaE said...

Awwwww I love twas the night before xmas!! :o) my husband wants to start a new tradition and read it to our daughter every xmas eve!

Anonymous said...

We read the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve, too. :)

Following you from BabyDealsDujour, we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and Twitter too.

Dianne_momstuff said...

Great idea. I am your newest follower from Bloggy Moms Blog Hop. You can find me at i also follow you on Twitter and facebook
Have a happy holiday.

Emmy said...

We make gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve, drink hot chocolate, get new jammies and make a fire and reinact the true Christmas story.

Hoping I win :)

Debby said...

Found you on the blog hop. Terrific blog and I love any tradition that involves books! My grown daughters and I blog together. They're all teachers and they'll tell you that there's nothing better for kids than a love of reading! Brava!