Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All Dressed Up

(This was not only Anthony's first dance...but first date as well - I'm sure he would just LOVE me telling everyone).

(so cute, right?)

(Anthony with his date, Michelle)

(She asked him to take her...)

(check out my baby brother)

(being silly)


(what a bunch of hams)

(Amanda with her date Jamie....Rich had to help him tie his tie hahah)

(he's not her boyfriend, but he used to be when they were in elementary school, they went as friends)

(Sarah's first dance)

(Sarah with her date...tales of the 7th grade, when "girls grow faster than boys." I should have bought her flats - neither one of them cared though)

(the first dress she saw)


Jolene said...

What beautiful children you have!

Anonymous said...

What great memories! I love that she picked the first dress. My kind of girl! :)