Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nick and Nate's Teacher Thank You Gifts

Tomorrow is the last day of school.

The boys wanted to give their teachers thank you gifts for being such awesome teachers this year.

So, I went to Home Depot and bought some clay pots and some geraniums.

I also bought some acrylic paints, thank you cards and two small wooden plaques.

First the boys painted their pots white.

While the second coat of white paint was drying, I used the wooden plaque and made a super cute thank you stake for their plants.

I used black construction paper, a white crayon, a colored craft stick and glue.

I wrote "thanks!" on the black paper with a white crayon and cut it out.  Then glued a craft stick and the note to the back of the wooden plaque.

See? I told you it was super cute! Each wooden plaque only cost me 50 cents!

The boys then painted their pots....

Nick's Pot

Hmmmm, what colors should I chose?

ALL of them!!!


then the boys signed their cards.

I transplanted the plants to their new homes :)

Thanks for making this year a SUPER AWESOME one!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creating Success Around the World - Jenny of Gifts of Jubliee

Welcome to

Creating Success Around the World
The worldwide blog hop tour, that introduces you to creative people from all corners of the globe.

Creating my way to Sucess
Every Wednesday our hosts on each continent will
introduce some inspiring creativity from their corner of the world.

Here's the hosts. Click on the buttons to
visit them and see who they are featuring this week.
Jill in Australasia
Jill in Australasia
Divya in Asia
DIvya in Asia
Larissa in Australasia
Larissa in Australasia
Charlene in the Americas
Charlene in the Americas
Introducing this week's guest from America ~ Jenny of Gifts of Jubilee

Jenny is a mother of twins and is going through the adoption process.  To help raise funds, she started crafting and selling her creations.   To learn more about Jenny and her family, please continue to read her interview.

What do you create?
I create personalized and custom gifts for any and all occasions. I enjoy working with others to create something they love using the resources I have on hand. This recently has included personalized tumblers, baby gifts, banners, cupcake toppers, family signs, shirts, and wall art. I want my creations to be ones of celebration, whether it's a special occasion or simply something beautiful for your home to celebrate your family. That's how I came up with "Gifts of Jubilee." 


Why do you create?
I actually do not/have not previously considered myself a "creative" person. I am a math-teacher-turned-stay-at-home-mom and so I am a pretty linear thinker. :) :) But now I have discovered I do have minimal creativity (even though I still don't know how to sew but would love to learn!!), and I really enjoy making things that are personal and meaningful. I love celebrating our family's story - as a twin mama and also we are in the process of adopting two more children from the DR Congo, looking to bring them home this summer. This is an outlet for me to celebrate what the Lord has done and is doing in our lives!

Do you sell your creations, if so how or where?
I just recently ventured into this, and love it. :) :) I sell via my Facebook page at (come "like" my page!!) and the website (which is brand new, so be patient) at


What are your favorite materials to work with?
Vinyl :) :)

When do you find time to create?
Naptime and bedtime. With 3.5 year old twins - there is no other time!! Ha!

Any advice about creating or starting a business that you would like to share?
Just find something you LOVE. If you wouldn't buy it, use it, or display it in your own home, then you don't need to sell it. That's my personal philosophy at least. :)

Please take some time to visit Jenny's facebook page and/or her website Gifts of Jubilee


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Monday, May 28, 2012

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#33)

Welcome to the 33rd Edition of Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!!

Hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend as much as we did

You can find some fun cute holiday crafts by clicking on my page tabs for kids arts and crafts and also the books and themes page.

Here are a few of my faves from this week...

(cute fun masks to inspire lots of imaginary play time)

(this is a cute idea)

(lots of ideas for summer fun)

Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on and
I can't wait to see what you all have been doing this week!!

Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC and linky tools. I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

Adventures In Mommy Land

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Patriotic Windsock (an oldie, but goodie craft)

One of our favorite crafts for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July is the

Patriotic Windsock

You will need blue construction paper, white paint, tape, red and white streamers, a star stamp or stencil, yarn and glue.

Using the star stamper or stencil (we actually used a star shaped cookie cutter) dipped in white paint, stamp stars on the blue paper. 

After the paint dries, tape the red and white streamers on the back of the blue paper. Then glue the edges of the blue paper together. Next punch two holes into the top of the windsock and thread some yarn through the holes to hang it up.

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Today is brought to you by the number 10

Well, it's been a whole month since I started the Nutrisystem program.

When I first signed up for this opportunity I had no idea how drastically my life would change.  I have been a serious junk food eater for so long (we're talking like a bag of chips and soda a day habit).  This hasn't been just another "diet", it actually IS a lifestyle change.

I haven't cheated once on this program.  I really haven't even been that tempted too, to be honest.
We're talking having worked in the concession stand at a baseball game, making cheese fries (one of my faves) and NOT tempted to sneak a bite.

The will power I have is something I have never experienced before.  I guess the idea of losing weight and being healthier, far outweighs the snippets of bad food here and there.

They say it takes 28 days to form a's been a little more than 28 days, and I am beginning to see new habits that have taken over the bad ones.

I stopped eating past 9 (still working on making this earlier)...I used to break out the junk once the kids went to bed - Not anymore.  Now they go to bed, and I catch up on some tv with no snacks.  In fact, I'm usually so exhausted from all the running around that I do during the day that oftentimes, I crash before the kids.

I drink water all the time.....I used to drink nothing but diet soda all day long, sometimes as soon as I woke up in the morning (horrible, no?) - Not anymore.  It's all water, all the time and once a day I consider it a treat to drink a glass of soda, although most of the time it's tastes disgusting!

I used to bake cookies for the kids and lick the bowl, like one of the kids when I was done, and then proceed to eat cookie after cookie....Not anymore.  Now I can bake cookies for the kids and just sit back and watch them enjoy eating them....and again, I'm not even swayed by the smell.

I'd rather lose the weight and be healthy, then eat a cookie or eat a cheesy, greasy fry.

I feel so much healthier and's weird that so much has changed in such a short amount of time.

I realize that I have a long way to go, but with the help of Nutrisystem and the support of my new friends, I think I can see success in my future.  And that old yo-yo can go straight to the trash heap.

You can see more of my story by watching my little video diary....

{boy do I look like crap hahah - oh well}

{Go ahead, feel free to laugh...Lord knows we've been laughing at it all day}

So, how much did I lose this week?

Drum roll, please.....

2 more pounds

for a total of ...


  • 4/27/12 - 180 (starting weight)
  • 5/4/12 - 175
  • 5/11/12 - 174
  • 5/18/12 - 172
  • 5/25/12 - 170

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

*Disclosure ~ I am receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan. All opinions herein are my own and not influenced by Nutrisystem.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Creating Success Around the World - Jamie of The Letter 4

Welcome to
Creating Success Around the World

worldwide blog hop tour, that introduces you to creative people from all corners
of the globe.

Creating my way to Sucess

Every Wednesday our hosts on each continent will
introduce some inspiring creativity from their corner of the

Here's the hosts. Click on the buttons to
visit them and see who they are featuring this week.

Jill in Australasia
Jill in Australasia
Suzy in the Americas
Suzy in the Americas
Divya in Asia
DIvya in Asia
Larissa in Australasia
Larissa in Australasia
Charlene in the Americas
Charlene in the Americas

This week's featured guest is Jamie from The Letter 4

(photo courtesy of The Letter 4)

Tell us about yourself...

My name is Jamie and I am wife and a mom to a beautiful little girl named Sabrina. I'm a wannabe graphic designer/artist and blog junkie

What do you create?

I'd like to think I'm an artist. I just love making things look pretty! Whether that's a craft, an organized closet, graphic design, painting, drawing, a recipe, or just taking pictures of our life I like to consider it something I "created". Sort of a jack of all trades I guess :)

Why do you create?

Everyone has something that makes them feel alive. Creating does that for me. I love starting with nothing and ending with something beautiful. I love the feeling that you get when you're all done with a project and you just want to share it with the world. My daughter is also a huge inspiration and reason behind my creations.

Do you sell your creations, if so how?

Yes! What I'm most proud of is our The Letter 4 + 1 shop. It features designs that my sister and I created and 100% of our proceeds go to charity. I'm currently working on a paper goods/organization line for my own shop!

What are your favorite materials to work with?

The good ole pencil is still my favorite. There's nothing more relaxing to me than sketching out doodles and patterns with clean white sheet of paper and a pencil.

When do you find time to create?

Nap time and bed time! Lets just say I get very little sleep ;)
(photo courtesy of The Letter 4)

Any advice to share about creating a business or getting started on creating?

I have heard it over and over again that it has to be something you are passionate about. Our charity shop I enjoy working on no matter how the sales are doing and the work doesn't really seem like "work". Creating a business is a ton of work, you'll get burned out fast if it's not something you are passionate about and believe in.
Thank you Jamie for your great answers and for sharing your beautiful work with us!! Please visit Jamie and her sisters at The Letter 4.  You can also follow them on facebook and twitter

If you would like to be featured in a future interview - then please contact your continent's host!
Now link up all your awesome's time to show off!!!

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