The pennies were donated to a great cause and this year I think they were sending the money (after it was exchanged, I mean what would they do with a bunch of pennies) to help support our troops. Who would ever think they would gather that many, but I think the grand total was over $800. And the boys won!
This year's torture fest was a dunk tank. Everyone had a blast and don't let Rich (the preacher) fool you, he loved it! When the kids missed they ran up and pushed the button anyway, he must have went in at least fifty times. He was the teens teacher this year and I think it was probably neat for Amanda and Anthony to see a different side of him. Everyday I heard all about how they would all torment each other with water balloon fights and shaving cream. It sounded like fun! I'm glad we decided to go back to church and I'm sure the kids are as well.
This is Nicholas, in the purple looking shirt in the middle
Sarah in pink
The top of Zach's head, plus our preacher
Amanda in the green all the way on the right
Anthony is in this group somewhere
The entire teen class
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