Here are some pics of the kids in the pool. Rich got in with the little boys. It turns out that Nicholas did rather well in the pool with the vest and arm swimmies. And yes, Rich is wearing his shirt. Not sure, but I think it's because he was self conscious of the scar on his back. Nathan screamed his poor little head off. He didn't really do that at the other pool. But I think it was a combination of Rich being there and having to wear that vest and swimmies that made him freak out. At any rate, Nathan always did hate being in water. He has never really liked baths or anything like that. He's the only one out of all the kids though. So I guess one out of six isn't bad, huh?
Rich and Nathan (Nathan screaming)
Another one of Rich and Nathan
Nicholas with Rich, Zach and Anthony in the background
Anthony swimming
Nicholas swimming (or floating) without help
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