Thursday, July 01, 2010

Rainbow Fish Craft

This week's stART project (story + art), we read Rainbow Fish to the Rescue (an oldie, but goodie book). And the boys made rainbow fish to go along with the story. We used poster board to help make our fish more sturdy. I cut up tissue paper and aluminum foil into little squares. I poured some glue into a bowl and handed both boys a paintbrush to brush the glue onto their fish. We just used a big black circle for the eyes.

The fish turned out Super Cute, didn't they?

As always I'm linking up to stART (story + art)  at A Mommy's Adventures.


Anonymous said...

We've done this before minus the foil - I'll bet that makes it extra fun. They did a great job.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Yes, the fish did turn out super cute! :)

Christy Killoran said...

We have done this too! It's a fun craft.

Sandra said...

You are such a crafty mom...I'm left with intense feelings of self-loathing after I see what you've been up to!, no keep it up, some day it will motivate me I'm certain...or not! Terrific though!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Always a classic! Cute fish!

Emmy said...

You are seriously so good to be doing all these things with your kids. Very cute indeed

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

This is excellent timing for us! Our library's summer program is bringing a puppet show of Rainbow Fish next Wed. and I was hoping to re-read our collection of Rainbow Fish books on Mon. and Tues. and now I have a great art project to go with them. Maybe our Rainbow Fish can even go to the puppet show with us! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I love all the materials you used. The effect is so cool.

Jackie Higgins said...

Love the foil! Great idea!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Beautiful project for a great book, and I am impressed that the boys stuck with it. I tried a similar thing with Elmer, and my daughter was done after about 5 squares :)

Jenny said...

They did turn out cute. And I love their cute, proud faces.

Erica and Pinot Grigio said...

Your boys are adorable! And so is the rainbow fish. I love that book, I always have! :)

Jackie said...

Really cute! Love it!

Anonymous said...

So cute. I love it.

Anonymous said...

So cute. I love it.

w said...

great craft!

i didn't realize there was another rainbow fish book out there!