Saturday, March 30, 2013

Matchstick Cross

Remember these?
I remember making one at Vacation Bible School when I was a kid.
Nathan has been buggin' for crafts a lot lately, so I thought this would make a nice Easter craft.
I didn't burn the ends of the matches....thinking it looks just as pretty this way.
I couldn't remember how to make it, so I found this tute on dltk.
I wanted to be able to frame Nathan's cross when he was done with it, so we chose this pretty print from my scrapbook paper and glued the cross to it.
Once you get it started it's pretty simple to make...just messy from the glue.
It took all I had not to straighten it, lol.....but then I realized one day, I will look back and think to myself how wonderful it is and he was only 7 when he did it. to find the perfect frame for it.


MamaMunky said...

Loved making those. Just an fyi, it is now a fire hazard. The reason you burn the ends is so that they are no longer combustible. Now, if it rubs against something the wrong way, it is going to light. Same could happen if it is in direct sunlight. Sorry to be a buzzkill!

Lindsey from Babies, Books, and Beyond

Charlene Juliani said...

thanks for your concern!