Thursday, July 29, 2010

Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs!!

Helppppp.....Pirates have invaded the house and they're treasure hunting in my backyard!!!

We read two pirate books today and then we pretended to be pirates and followed a map in search of treasure.  While enjoying the loots from their plunder, they watched Scooby Doo and The Pirates Ahoy.  We also made pirate hats, a pirate flag and parrots.  Nicholas actually brought home a hat, parrot and eye patch that he made during his story group at the library on Wednesday and of course Nathan wanted I made a little trip to the library in search of pirate books and helped Nathan make his own hat and parrot and a pirate flag (black poster board with a stick from the yard and a blown up pic of a skull and crossbones glued to the board).

I also made a map of the yard for them and hid a small box full of little treasures to find.  I used one of Rich's old cigar boxes and filled it with small coins (from the dollar store, of course), candy necklaces and rings and scooby gummy snacks....I know, not the healthiest of food, but hey you gotta live sometimes!

To make the map, I taped four pieces of paper together and crumpled them up.  Next, I drew on the map.  Then I used tea bags dipped in hot water to age the paper.  I even broke one bag open and let some of the tea get on the paper, giving it a dirt effect.  After it dried, I burned the edges of the map. 

I printed out a picture of a parrot for Nathan to color and cut it out.  I glued them together with a "pinchy" clothes pin in the middle to help the parrot sit on his shoulder.

The boys then dubbed themselves Captain Smarty Pants (Nicholas) and First Mate Natters (Nathan) and off they went in search of the treasure.

(First Mate Natters said he had to pee......hehehehehe)

The books we read were I Love My Pirate Papa by Laura Leuck and Don't Mention Pirates by Sarah McConnell. 

Nathan really got into the whole theme coming up with phrases like Ahoy Matey, Shiver Me Timbers and Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs.  I love watching their imaginations at work! I think they enjoyed their piratey day!

And, don't worry this pirate mom was a nasty mean wench and made them brush their teeth when they were done with all that gooey booty!

Linking to stART at A Mommy's Adventures   


Yellow said...

We did something like this at our library last week, the kids loved it! I never thought to have a real treasure hunt in the backyard. Great idea.

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Aw, looks like they had fun...and you, too :) Good mommy!!

Anonymous said...

What a great set of activities! I love the parrot and the treasure chest.

Emmy said...

Look at you! You seriously put us all to shame!

Evonne said...

I love this! My son has been really into pirates lately. We even had a pirate themed birthday last weekend. We might have to do some pirate stuff tomorrow.

Your boys look like they are having so much fun!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Wow - you really went all out. It's pretty neat that you can hide something in the yard, and it would take a map to figure out where. We have to look for those books if and when daughter is interested in the life of a pirate :)

Unknown said...

Rrrrrrr- What a fun way to spend the day- rrrrrrr...

(Oh yes, that was my best "pirate impersonation"...)

*~Petra~* said...

My goodness! What a great day for the kids! I love the parrot on the clothespin idea. :) Just stopping by from SITS.

Unknown said...

You are Supermom! How do you do it all? Sounds like a spectacular day. I only have one set of twins (and they are my only kids), so I really am inspired by all you're doing. Great job!

Unknown said...

p.s. I came over from Helene's place and am your newest follower!

Stephanie said...

I am so jealous! I am not even close to being this creative. My kids ask me what we're doing today and I just give them a blank stare. :) LOVE THIS!

Helene said...

Holy cow, Charlene, this is impressive!! You are such a fun mom!! My kids are lucky if I remember to read the library books to them once we check them out and bring them home. You take it a step further by creating fun activities which tie into the book!

Cole and Landon are really into pirates, especially after having ridden Pirates of the Carribean at Disneyland like 12 times. I bet they would love this!!!

Jackie said...

I love all the activities you do with your kids!!!

Simplegirl said...

What an awesome idea!!

Counting Coconuts said...

LOVE! Thanks for sharing this, I'll be sure to use some of your ideas for my son's pirate birthday party next month!

Anonymous said...

How creative and fun! no wonder you're getting all this attention. **winks**
I noticed your pics on the sidebar and your daughter looks EXACTLY like you! So cool! :)