Can't you just hear Candance's (Phineas and Ferb's older sister) voice rattling in your head.
Every few minutes someone feels the need to tattle on their sibling. What is behind all the tattles anyway?
The other night while I was working Sarah felt the need to text me about 5 times telling me all the things that were going on at home. Normally I don't mind, since I like knowing what's going on when I'm not there, but when it comes to telling on each other non-stop it gets old really fast.
*Hey Mom did you know that Amanda made pancakes for dinner? {{How dare she make you dinner??}}
*And oh yeah, Dad told her she could go out with Tyler tonight. {{Geesh, now Dad's getting tattled on too}}
*Mom, Nick won't take a bath, he says he wants a shower instead {{If he gets clean, who cares how it's done}}
I listen to them constantly saying "I'm telling Mom" every day. And to tell the truth, most of what they tattle about is stupid little things, that I could really care less about. Now, when your older sister is chasing you down the hallway with a knife...Well, come tell me. If you break a window when you threw a toy....Come tell me. If you're bleeding profusely from a head wound....Come tell me. And if, your brother is about to do something stupid like climb up on the roof and jump off....Well, come tell me. Or if your older sister sneaking out the window at night....Come tell me.
But, if you just want to tell me that your younger brother accidently scribbled on your art work....Just keep it to yourself!
With only two in the house, I don't have to put up with quite as much tattling. My 14-yr-old has taken to tattling in a more mature way, "Did you tell Alisa she could eat ice cream in her bedroom?" (Unspoken end of message: 'cause that's what she's doing right now!") One of the most fun ways of dealing with tattling I witnessed was my daughter's kindergarten teacher. She took a regular brown paper bag (lunch size or grocery bag) and drew a face on it and placed it in a corner of the room. When her students just had to report about something insignificant, she'd tell them to "go tell it to the tattlebag." It might not work with your older kids, but you never know unless you try. I've told me kids outright to work on resolving the issue themselves FIRST and then seek out an adult if they are unable to. I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "I DON'T CARE!!" when they tattle about the mundane stuff. Wouldn't want to them to think I don't care about them or their feelings.
I'm following you now too, thanks!
Just started following tonight! Oh my how I can relate and I only have three. I love when mine tattle on the youngest who is two.
Oh! I think tattle-telling is all about the jealousy...what one is getting away with that the other isn't!
Tattling drives me crazy, and I only have three children!
Oh could not agree more!
I had to laugh when I you referenced Candace on Phineas and Ferb. I know exactly what you're talking about! :)
My children are so far apart in age (my daughter is 14 years and my son is 14 months!) that there is no tattling in my household. However, my sister and I were two years apart and she tattled constantly. To this day, tattling is one of my pet peeves.
LOL. This is why we have a new rule. Someone has to be near dead before you can "come and tell me" Maybe that will change to near dead, doing drugs, or climbing out the window when they are older. But for now massive amounts of blood are required.
Or my reply is always "That's nice"
Good luck I feel for ya I really do!
We have that same rule. After running a day care outta my home, I had 12 little ones all taking turns tattling.IT wears a parent down.
I love when my kids call and when I ask them if its an emergency, they have to stop and think and then respond with " well no, but I really wanted to know.... " LOVE IT...
Happy Tuesday
Man, how things have changed, it used to be, "I'm telling on you when mom gets home." Now it's "I'm texting mom"? That's hilarious!
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