Monday, October 31, 2011

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#4)

We are wrapping up our Halloween here, how about you?
I'm ready to pack it all up and break out the Thanksgiving stuff.

This weekend we went trick or treating and made two crafts.

a Pumpkin Windsock

For this craft, we used recycled file folders, orange and green paint, clothes pins, sponges, glue and orange crepe paper streamers.

Pin the sponges to the clothespins (to use as a handle).

The boys sponge painted pumpkins on the paper - you need two pumpkins for each child.

Nicholas decided to use two - to get the job done faster haha

Nathan ended up just smearing his paint on his pumpkin, instead of sponge painting it.

Glue the streamers to the back of one of the pumpkins

Glue a small loop of ribbon to the inside and then glue both sides together for a cute little pumpkin windsock.

We also made Handprint Bats.

Trace your child's foot print onto black paper (for the body).  I just used Nathan's foot for both boys.
Glue on google eyes and paint some fangs.

For the wings, we painted their hands white and "stamped" them onto black paper.
Cut them into bat wing shapes and glued it all together.

The boys in their costumes....

Come join the fun and share you projects, crafts, recipes, halloween costumes and all your other tricks and treats with us this week....Can't wait to see what all YOU did!!

(I'm linking to these fun sites....)

Shibley Smiles

Please feel free to add your kids art & craft project, baking activity or other fun activities to the link list below...

Grab the little button and share on your blog, if you like, so others can join us too - Thanks for joining and I hope to see you again next time!

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Re-purposing an Old Entertainment Center

Throwing the Hubs a bone.....

Rich said "don't you just love my handy work? You should take a picture of it and post it." he sounds just like the kids!

But, he really did do a fantastic job and I love how it turned out, so yeah, I'll throw him a bone (or two).

It all started when we had to buy a new tv.

Our old one was acting funny and wasn't working right - the picture was red and doubled (I'm sure there is a more technical term for what it was doing, but heck, if I know what it is).

Rich bought us a new huge flat screen.

I didn't want to have it hanging on the wall in the living room because I just had all new shelves hung in there and didn't want to have to rearrange everything. 

That left us looking for entertainment stands to place the new tv on.

I couldn't find any that I liked or anything that matched the finish on our bookcases.

So, Rich came up with a great idea.

(before pic - see all the shelves and the hole for a normal didn't really serve our needs anymore)

He took our old entertainment center and cut it down and took the top of the old one and placed it back on top of the new smaller version.

(after pic)

Doesn't this look awesome!!

We still need to replace the knobs so that they all match and he wants to fill in the nail holes with putty...but it looks really nice and it matches the bookcases.

I LOVE it!

thank you handy it and love you too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Last night I baked some cupcakes.

they totally didn't  "go together"

as one batch was more "halloweenie" and pumpkin flavored (recipe can be found on my recipe page)

and the other more "spring-ish" looking and plain ol yellow.

I was just going to make the pumpkin ones, but I got worried that no one would like them, so I made the yellow ones too.  Turns out I was worried for nothin' (as usual). 

Two cupcakes pans came back empty....that's a good thing.

Funny thing was Amanda came home for the twins' birthday and to play 'dartball' (which is why I made cupcakes....somebody signed me up to make snacks last night....hmmm, wonder who did that?)

And she saw my green cake stand and asked if I bought a new one.

I said no, why?

And she said "because I never saw this one before (at least I don't remember seeing it)...I thought you either bought a new one or spray painted an old one."

HA, my kids know me so well - it's actually kind of scary!

My penchant for cake stands and spray paint LOL!


Oh and speaking of baking cupcakes......

I have a winner of my fall apron (drawn via random number generator).

#2   MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I am downright addicted to candy corn. Must.stop.buying!!!
As for homemade treats (or at least home-assembled), I love "ghost cookies". Dip a Nutter Butter in white chocolate and add a couple of mini chocolate chips for eyes = a delicious little ghost!
LOVE that apron! :)

Congrats Mandy!!!!

and a big old thank you to all that entered!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Busy Day....

Today is such a busy day...

*It's the kick off of week 3 of my new linky party...which I think is doing remarkably well, considering it's still a baby. 

I'm really proud of it.

Come join us by linking your children's activities and crafts!!

*This is also the last day to enter my apron giveaway

It really is cute

and I hope whoever wins it will enjoy it.

It's also Sarah and Zachary's 14th birthday - Yippee!

Which means I'll be busy baking some cupcakes later.

I'm so busy, in fact, that I'm guest posting on Danielle's blog - Blissful and Domestic!!!!

Go check out the cute little ghostly garland that I'm sharing with everyone!

And since everyone LOVES baby pics, especially when they come in two's. 

Here's a few for you...

These two were true little miracles.

I almost lost them at 3 months

Was put on bedrest

Went into premature labor at 29 1/2 weeks.

Was life-flighted to a major hospital (an hour from my home)

Spent 2 1/2 weeks on hospital bedrest, away from my toddlers (Amanda and Anthony)

Was poked, prodded and bruised for weeks.

And at 32 weeks.....

Guess who decided they were ready to join the world?

Happy 14th Birthday Sarah Michelle and Zachary Michael!!

It's been quite an adventure...with double the fun, messes, love and joy...and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Love, Mom

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#3)

Welcome to the third week of Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!!!


I've been so busy this week that I haven't had much time to breathe, let alone blog! But, we did manage to squeeze in a few crafts and bake a couple of batches of sugar cookies.

We made pumpkin and monster faces using craft sticks.


Take some craft sticks and glue them together

Then, paint some faces on the sticks...add some yarn or a pipe cleaner to hang it with and you're done.

Nathan loves to help make sugar cookies.

His favorite part is sneaking bits of dough, when he thinks I'm not looking.

They also made some to frost and tried using stencils to decorate them.

Not exactly the neatest of cookies...but they sure were yummy and the kids had fun (that's really all that matters, in my book).

What did you do with your kiddos this week...go to a pumpkin farm and pick pumpkins, bake a delicious treat, make a craft, run through a corn maze.....

Come share and don't forget to grab that little linky code in the box so others can join us too.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (week 2)

It's week number two of our little linky party....last week was such fun!! BIG, Big, big Thank You to those that participated and shared not only their activity, but this meme with others as well!!! I had so much fun looking at all your crafts and activities...I'm continued to be amazed each week at how many creative people there are out there.  You all came up with some awesome, fun activities.

Did I ever mention why I named this meme "Hey Mom, Look What I Did"?


Well, at least once a day (if not more), I hear that phrase....hey Mom, look what I did.

The kids will show me their school work
their sand castle
their craft
their latest lego creation
their mashed potato "mountain"

You get the idea.

So, I thought why not share that phrase with everyone and we can all see what "they" did today.

I hope you will link up (you can do it all week) and also continue sharing this link party with your friends.....the more the merrier as they say.

I didn't have much time to do a big craft this week (again that blasted work thing keeps getting in the way), so the boys made haunted houses using a kit of foam stickers.  They also drew some grave stones and other things on their papers - for some reason they both wrote their big brother's name on the grave stone...hmmmm??? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that he had been picking on them all week, could it haha.

The kits were only a $1 a piece at our local drug store.

(poor baby ended up getting a nose he had a treat afterwards and bloody remnants on his nose).

I guess, it just goes to show that spending time with your kids doesn't have to be some big elaborate production.  Buy some stickers, some paper and crayons and have some good old fashion time with your kids.  Buy a cake mix and bake some cupcakes.  They'll be happy just spending time with you.  Make a huge ol' mess and have some fun.

What did you do with your kids this week? Come share and don't forget to grab that little linky code in the box so others can join us too.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Super Cute Fall - Halloween Apron Is Up For GIVES!! -- CLOSED!!

Remember this little baby.......

My cute little ruffled apron
that I made with my own two hands.

Since I made two, I'm giving one away....Yayyyy!

If you would like to win this cute little apron, leave me a comment telling me your favorite fall treat to bake (or eat).

Of course, you will get extra entries if you like my facebook page, follow me on twitter or GFC.

I will draw a winner on Monday Oct. 24 at midnight est. 

*Please note that I can only offer this to U.S. residents.

This giveaway is now CLOSED....thanks to all who participated!!!