have you taken a peek at my etsy shop yet?
I know it's a bit rough around the edges, because I'm still learning the ropes.
But, I am having so much fun sewing these aprons...
I think eventually I will branch out and make different things
but for now, why mess with a good thing.
Some aprons are a little more time consuming than others to make.
the more I make and sew, the better they get and the cuter they look.
Aqua and Red Floral Print for little girls
this one is a size medium - fits most girls ages 7-10
the pink/red/blue flower print on the bottom is actually pockets.
Isn't it just the cutest.....I wish I would have made this one in my size - because I would keep it!
this is another one of my favorites...such a cute pattern and the ruffles just make it even better
it's a little girls size small (fits most 3-5 yr olds)
I love the fabric on this one and the yellow ruffles on the bottom, but I'm not as thrilled with the apron strings...it's a different type of ribbon, thinner or something - I don't know, maybe a different ribbon next time, hmmmm...
I love the print on this fabric too...so cute, bright and colorful....I think I have more fun making children's aprons, at least that's they way it appears haha.
this one is for girls too.
did you notice the little pom poms on the bottom?
although, I still make some for women too....
And did I mention that I actually made my first sell???

this cute little yellow apron for girls.
It was a custom order from my cousin for her little niece.
Hopefully this never gets old and I always find it as fun as I do right now.