Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#29)

Welcome to the 29th edition of Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!
Here's a look at some of my favorite links this week

(how awesome is this.....I love using toilet paper rolls for crafts)

(love using paper plates for crafts too and this one is so much fun!)

(tons of butterfly crafts here)

(this mom blogger always chooses the best books to feature)

Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on and
I can't wait to see what you all have been doing this week!!

Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC and linky tools. I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

Adventures In Mommy Land


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Saturday, April 28, 2012


It's been a busy couple of days around here lately. 

Baseball season has begun.  Nicholas had his first game today, but I didn't take any pics, because I was too busy freezing my butt off.  I swear my toes are still numb.  And who's idea was it to schedule a game at 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning??? We had to be there at 8:30 for warm ups....of course, the umpires never showed up, so the game didn't start right away either.  I'm just glad I had stopped to pick up a big, huge cup of coffee beforehand.  And a very big thank you to one of the grandparents who bought a round of hot chocolate for the sweet was that of her?!

Nicholas was so excited about his game this morning that he insisted on sleeping in his baseball uniform last night LOL! I tried to talk him out of it, but he was so adamant about it that even snuck out of his room, grabbed his cleats and slept with those on too.  Silly boy!!!

This past weekend I sold not one, but two aprons.....Yay me!! I'm so excited.  I seriously, need to stop blogging and get back to sewing.  I have three more custom aprons to make and more fabric to buy.

In other news, no one can find the remote to the tv in the living room - again! I'm so tired of having to go on a scavenger hunt every time I want to watch tv.  Seriously, why do we have to hide it from each other?!?! It's fine for now when the kids are home for the weekend, but when Monday rolls around I will be lost without the "background" noise that the tv promotes.

I started my Nutrisystem diet....Love it so far!!! I will blog more about this on Friday when my weekly post goes live. 

Oh and did I mention that Anthony was asked to go the the prom? He and some friends went to look at tuxes today.  He's pretty shy, so anytime there's a dance, the girls usually ask him to go.  LOL!

And one more thing....starting this Wednesday, I am cohosting a world wide craft link party.  The other cohosts are from all over the world - Austraila, Europe, Asia, etc.  It's super exciting!! I have a few feature guest bloggers that I will be interviewing during the month...still have a few slots available if anyone is interested email me.

Now, you know where I've been hiding for the last few days....just thought I'd update everyone, you know in case you thought I fell off the planet or something.   Get busy crafting and spending time with your kiddos, so you can share it with us on Monday on the Hey Mom, Look What I Did meme. 

 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm a Nutrisystem Nation Blogger

I am super excited about joining the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger family.

As part of my plan to reinvent myself since turning 40, I will be following the Nutrisystem diet program.

I feel like I have been fat for far too long.

I wasn't always a big girl.

When I was in high school, I was thin, but of course like all young girls, I thought I was fat.

Isn't it sick what we do to ourselves?

After, I got married and started having kids it got harder and harder to lose weight.

I have yo yoed back and forth and lost the same 20 pounds over and over again.

I am so ready to change that for good.

When I was given this opportunity, I couldn't agree fast enough.

I will be giving weekly updates of my progress, trying new foods and sharing all my gory details with you.....{biting my nails} and even sharing my weight and pics....Scaryyyyyy!

stay tuned for more details....

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689  or by visiting

*Disclosure ~ I will be receiving access to the website and food in exchange for reviewing the diet plan.  All opinions herein are my own and not influenced by Nutrisystem.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#28)

Welcome to the 28th edition of Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!

Here's a look at some of my favorite links this week, very Earth Day Friendly too.

(note to self...start saving those dried out marker caps --- this has to be the coolest project EVER!!)

(this little pig is cute as can be....)

(this looks a bit complicated for wee ones, but bigger kids can have some fun with this one, with parental help).

(Hmm, I think I'll choose the rock...)


* I'm sorry that I didn't have time to visit each one of these links personally and thank you for joining us this week, but I want everyone to know that I appreciate everyone that links and shares each week.  As always, the inspiration from these crafts and projects are awesome....Thank You!!

Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on and
I can't wait to see what you all have been doing this week!!

Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC and linky tools. I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

Adventures In Mommy Land

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Sunday, April 22, 2012


Nathan gets to be the special person of the week in his classroom

my favorite

What I do well.... helping people

A person I dad

What I like most about our school...everybody in the classroom

My Wish....have ice cream every day

My favorite....

animal - elephant
color - green
holiday - Christmas
game - mario sports mix

I think my little man is pretty special...
but I'm kinda biased like that.

btw, he answered all the questions by himself
and I think he did a great job!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Flat Stanley

Nathan's classroom did a Flat Stanley project recently

Nathan's Flat Stanley went to South Korea....

So long Stanley...have fun!

And he's back, looks like he had fun ;)

This summer Nathan and Nicholas want to do their own Flat Stanley project.  They will be sending Flat Stanley on a big HUGE adventure and they cannot wait.

And just so you know, I'll be sharing their project with all of you and when it starts, you can participate too.

Be sure to stay tuned for more details coming this June.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the birthday girl

Nathan made me a crown for my party

and I wore it the whole time Ha!

I wasn't the only one who turned 40

For those that don't know....I have a twin brother.

the last time we celebrated a birthday together, I think we were 22.

I dropped by his workplace with a couple of cupcakes and candles.

I love my brother.

Amanda called and said "Mom, don't cook dinner, because I'm making pizza and we're having a party for you."

She made pizza (psst, she made the crust and said Mom, can you help me with this..I walked into the kitchen to a blob of dough on the pan hahaha....)

and a cake (she baked the cake and said Hey Mom, can you help me with the frosting....heheh)

made me laugh!

and yeah, there were 40 stinkin' candles on that cake!

Anthony decorated with streamers and balloons

Oh My....that's ALOT of candles!!!

Need a big breath to blow all those bad boys out

Yeahhhh baby...I got 'em ALL!

Nathan made me a card

he gave me 6 pennies too :)

thanks baby boy

Nicholas gave me 4 quarters (a big sacrifice on his part, he's trying to collect them)
Aren't kids funny with homemade presents?


Ahhhh.....let's go shopping!

My bunch of love bugs!

I had such an awesome weekend....

party with my family

shopping at the kitchen store

and a spa day courtsey of Amanda

a facial...a manicure...a pedicure...lunch

Oh and I started living my adventures of the next 40 years - I got my first eyebrow wax.

I know, that's probably not such a big adventure to most people, but to me....well, I've avoided it because I didn't want to go through the pain.

It wasn't so bad ripping off a bandaid.

My eyebrows are happy that I went through with it and didn't chicken out again.

My face is soft and smooth, my toes are pink and pretty and my nails are french and happy :)

Such a great start to my next 40 years!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Clothes Pin Bag

I made this yesterday.....

Please don't ask me how I did this, because I have No idea....LOL!

I started out with every intention of doing a tutorial

taking step by step pics and all.

But, I got so sidetracked and distracted by my kids that I honestly can't even begin to tell you what I did.

Well, maybe I can try to explain some of it....

I started out with two coordinating fabric scraps (I suppose you could use fat quarters for this and use an adult hanger, mine is a child's size hanger).

I sewed them right side together on three sides leaving about 4-5 inches from the top

clip the corners and turn in inside out.

Here is where I lost track and just well.....lost it hahaha.

Basically, I took the other fabric and made some flaps and threaded some ribbon through the flaps.

I originally had the hanger on the outside and tied the bag to the hanger, but I didn't like it.

I ended up having Anthony break the bottom of the hanger and I threaded it through the back flap....but if I do this again, I would sew the fabric around the hanger.

I think it came out great....I only wish I would have done this while the kids were in school.

I have such a hard time sewing when they are around.

Am I the only one who has that problem?

Hey Mom, Look What I Did (#27)

Welcome to the 27th Edition of Hey Mom, Look What I Did!!!!
Take a look at few of my favorites this week...
(Jelly Fish....using a coffee filter - so cute!)

(using plastic canvas and buttons...such a cool model)

(Keep these fun tips in mind for next easter!!!)

Now, it's your turn to show us what you've been working on and
I can't wait to see what you all have been doing this week!!

Please share your craft projects, baking activities and other fun kid friendly adventures. Grab the link button and put it on your blog, if you like, so that others can find us and share in the fun too.

There are no requirements, but I would love if you would follow this blog via GFC and linky tools. I also would like to invite you to come hang out with me on facebook and twitter.

Thanks for joining us....Hope to see you again soon!!

Adventures In Mommy Land

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