Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Think of all the money I could have saved buying beds!

Linking to...


Aleksandra Nearing said...

LOL! Wow, he was tuckered out!

Anonymous said...

I'll take boy that wants to sleep any where. JDaniel can't do this.

Merry said...

Haha! Party, party, party......sleep!

Staci @ 7 on a Shoestring said...

Love it! Hopping back through… and a new follower too!

7 on a Shoestring

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

We've had many nights like this, too! I'm following from FMBT.

Emmy said...

Lol! It is crazy how and where kids can sleep.